Lecture 6: Exercise Prescription Flashcards
What are excise recommendations for:
Children (3-5)
Children (6-17)
- Children (3-5): Physically active throught day
- Children (6-17): 60 minutes a day (mix up week with aerboic, muscle, and bone strengthening)
- Adults: 150-300 minutes of moderate activity of 75-150 min of intense activity
- Work out muscles at least twice a week
Should pregnant women work out?
If so, how much a week?
Should aim for 150 min per week
What is Sherrington’s Law of Reciprocal Innervation?
When a muscle contracts, its antagonist will relax to allow smooth movement.
What are hypertonic and hypotonic muscles?
- Hypertonic: Too much muscle tone (tight)
- Hypotonic: Low muscle tone
In the Upper Extremities, which muscles are considered hypertonic and hypotonic?
- Upper Trapezius
- Levator Scapulae
- Pec Major and Minor
- Cervical Erector Spinae
- Scalenes
- Mid/lower Trapezius
- Latissimus Dorsi
- Rhomboids
- Deep cervical flexors
In the Lower Extremities, which muscles are considered hypertonic and hypotonic?
- Iliopsoas
- Quadratus Lumborum
- Thoracolumbar Erector Spinae
- Hamstrings
- Rectus Femoris
- Piriformis
- Thigh adductor (short)
- Gastrocnemius and Soleus
- Gluteus Maxiums
- Gluteus Minimus
- Gluteus Medius
- Vastus Intermedius
- Vastus Medalis
- Vastus Lateralis
Levator Scapulae Stretch
How would you perform this stretch?
Left Side:
- Grasp back of chair with left hand and lean toward right knee.
- Look down at right chest, “in your pocket.”
- Use right hand to reach behind head and apply minimal pressure at occiput toward right knee. Recommend using 4th and 5th fingers.
- Inhale deeply and stretch further with exhalation.

Scalene Stretch
How would you perform this stretch?
Left Side:
- Use right hand to reach over head and grab just above the left ear.
- Sidebend head away from affected side using force from hand on head.
- Inhale deeply and stretch further on exhalation.
For added stretch, place hand of affected side under buttocks palm up.

Latissimus Dorsi Prayer Stretch
How would you perform this stretch?
- Start on knees and place elbows on a chair in front.
- Let chest drop and sit back toward heels.
- Moving elbows closer together enhances stretch.*
- Increasing lordotic curve in lumbar spine enhances stretch.*

Subscapularis (IR) Stretch
How would you perform this stretch?
- Lying supine, abduct left arm 90 degrees and externally rotate to restriction.
- Inhale deeply and exhale fully for 3-5 cycles.

Pectoralis Major and Minor Stretch
How would you perform this stretch?
- Stand in doorway and place hands on door frame.
- Lean forward at chest.
- Hold stretch for 10-60 seconds.
- Vary height of hands to stretch different parts of the muscle.

Scapular Retraining (Rhomboid) Stretch
How would you perform this stretch?
Lying supine, push elbows posteriorly and squeeze scapulae together.
Chin tuck may enhance exercise.

Iliopsoas and Recturs Femoris Stretch
How would you perform this stretch?
Left Side:
- Stand in front of a chair.
- Place dorsal aspect of left foot on chair, keeping both knees slightly bent.
- Push hips forward until stretch is felt.

Lower Extremity Adductor Stretch
How would you perform this stretch?
- With back straight, sit as close to a wall as possible, soles of feet together.
- Place hands on floor behind hips and press hands into the floor.
- Arch back to initiate stretch.

Gluteus Medius and Abductor/Adductor Strengthening
How would you perform this activity?
Clamshell Exercise (Left Side):
- From a lateral recumbent position, flex hips to 45 degrees and flex knees 90 degrees.
- Keeping feet together, raise left knee ~6 inches (~15 cm) while exhaling.
- Return to starting position during inhalation.
- Repeat 10-15 times per session.

Piriformis Stretch
How would you perform this stretch?
Left Side:
- Lay supine with left hip flexed and adducted and knee flexed. Place left foot lateral to right knee.
- Place right hand on lateral aspect of left knee.
- With exhalation, apply gentle pressure to pull knee further to right side of body.

Quadratus Lumborum Stretch
How would you perform this stretch?
Left Side:
- Stand with feet roughly shoulder width apart.
- Reach right arm down to knee while looking toward the ceiling.
- Inhale deeply.
- On exhalation, look down and stretch hand further down leg.

Balance Training
How would you do this?
- Balance on left leg with hands on hips. May hold onto a stationary object if needed.
- Slowly reach out with right leg as far as possible without touching the floor.
- Repeat with varying directions for right leg.

Exercise and stretching falls under what model of osteopathic care?