Lecture 5: The Rise and Fall of Behaviourism: 1900-2000 Flashcards
hoe stond psychologie in 1900
wel echt als een science nu
wat was de dominant method (vooral in usa)
waardoor werd psychologie gezien als een soft science in 1900
door dingen als spiritualism, mesmerism, phrenology… dingen die keer op keer fout werden bewezen.
wat was een belangrijke stroming aan het begin van de 20e eeuw (1900)
positivism (Comte)
- Positivism is popular at the beginning of the 20th century.
- The thesis: Science is ultimately the way to truth
- Objectivity of knowledge must be guaranteed
- This relates poorly to the fact that introspection is still the dominant methodology
wie was Bridgman
- The theory of relativity turns physics upside down
- The basis lies in Einstein’s persistent question: how do we establish through
measurements that two events are simultaneous? - The Newtonian intuition of absolute time appears to be wrong!
- The physicist Bridgman wants to save physics from another revolution like this by clearly
attaching all concepts to measurement procedures
door wie was william james eerder al beinvloedt
er was een soort disbalans in 1900, mensen wilden psy graag als harde science zien, maar hier was ook kritiek op. ook was er al heel lang geen nieuwe bevinding (zoals bv in de biologie).
we mean by any concept
nothing more than a set of
operations; the concept is
synonymous with the
corresponding set of
[measurement] operations”
bridgman (wilde dus alles operationaliseren!)
3 ingredienten voor behaviourism
- hard vs vague
- a time of revolutions
- humans are animals
dus de operationalisation of Bridgman =
we should define everything in terms of how we measure them.
= concepts should be reduced to measurements
waar kwam bridgman niet zo ver
binnen de filosofie
wat was kritiek op bridgman
– Length can be measured with multiple different procedures, so no unique definition of length
– Operations cannot be “synonymous” to concepts
maar… Bridgman werd wel heel populair binnen de psychologie
maakte Bridgmans ideeen populair met: intelligence is what the intelligence test measures
pavlov’s classical conditioning=
Neutral stimulus (NS; tone) is linked to unconditioned stimulus (US; food) provoking an unconditioned response (UR; salivating)
After a while, the NS becomes a conditioned
stimulus (CS) and is followed by a conditioned
response (CR; salivating)
thorndike was een student van…
thorndike studying animals
because he cannot find
children to serve as subjects
wat had thorndike bedacht
law of effect (behaviours followed by a reward are more likely to be repeated)
wat is instrumental conditioning
wat skinner later operant conditioning noemt: a procedure in which a reinforcement, such as food, is delivered contingent upon a response
hoe leidde de evolutie theorie tot behaviourism
- Biology is successfully studying animal behavior
- Nobody ever asks a dog what it thinks of anything
- Apparently behavioral science in biology doesn’t need introspection…
- So why should that be necessary with people?
- Can’t we just let psychology revolve around behavior?
- And even remove any dependence on ‘mental states’?
dus wat waren de 3 oorzaken + gevolgen die ook weer leidden tot behaviourism
1) hard vs. vague: positivism (science brings truth and requires objectivity)
2) time of revolutions: operationalism (concepts should be defined through mechanisms)
3) learning theory (based exclusively on stimuli and behaviour, inspired by animal research)
wie was de eerste behaviourist
No more introspection; only
behavioral analyses in terms
of reinforcement and
punishment, a psychology without consciousness
wat was de key ding van behaviourism (hoe leg je het in een zin uit)
kijken naar observable behaviour, stimulus response associations.
wie schreef het eerste journal article
wat was john watson
een behaviourist en empiricist (geloofde in tabula rasa)