Chapter 4: Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline. 1850-1900 Flashcards
waar was psychologie eerst onderdeel van
university reform in germany
eerst werden universities gedomineerd door religie en humanities. daardoor werd christian wolff er uit gezet. later kwam hij terug en toen was aristotles philosophy replaced met het leren van nieuwe wetenschap zonder theologische tussenkomst. ook nog meer reformatie na de val van de Holy Roman Empire in 1805.
met wie werkte wundt samen
von Hemholtz
wat vond Wundt over psychologie
dat het gelinkt moest worden aan physiologie, en dat het de experimenten moet gebruiken die de physiologists hadden opgesteld.
wanneer opende het lab van wundt
Boring: wat waren de redenen dat wundt zijn lab kon openen?
- germany had moved away from the mathematical deductive style of investigation of astronomy and physics
- germany had embraced the inductive Baconian research style, which could study the mind
waarom had wundt een grote impact op de psychologie
omdat hij psychological research bekender maakte. hij had niet perse veel belangrijke uitvindingen of theorieen, maar maakte het gewoon bekender en populairder. hij had wel wat fouten gemaakt en zijn werk was niet makkelijk te lezen
waar werkte wundt veel mee
- psychophysical methods to study the connection between physical stimuli and their conscious state
- the measurement of duration of simple mental processes
- accuracy of reproduction in memory tasks
wie hadden eerder vooral kritiek gegeven op introspection
Kant en Comte
hoe wilde wundt het probleem van introspectie omzeilen
door onderscheidt te maken tussen internal perception en experimental self-observation -> the latter was self-observation under highly controlled conditions where a stimulus was presented repeatedly and the participants reported their responses
dus wat vond wundt over introspection
dat internal perception NIET valid is, maar de experimentele self-observation WEL valid is
historical method
wundt wilde kijken naar de human mind door te letten op mental differences due to differences between cultures
waar gebruikte wundt de historical method vooral voor
voor higher psychological processes, for which the experimental methods could not be used
waarom wordt wundt soms gezien als de vader van antropologie
omdat hij geloofde dat de individual recapitulated the evolution of mankind, so a person’s development could be studied by examining the historical development of the human race
who is generally considered one of the first psychologists
William James, because he wore about ongoing research in labs, and because he was instrumental in the development of psychology as a discipline. he also published a book that gave a clear and accessible amount of the knowledge about psychology
wat vond James de beste research method
introspection! hij was niet van de experimental method
James; the human mind has…
emerged as an adaptation. The precise contents were less important than what consciousness did, what functions it served.
= functionalist
primarily interested in functions of the mind, not what the mind comprised or what structure it has
Titchener =
student of Wundt, uiteindelijk naar amerika.
founder of structuralism -> tries to discover the structure of the human mind
dus wat was het verschil tussen Titchener en James
Titchener: structuralism
James: functionalism
wat was een overeenkomst tussen Titchener en James
ze vonden alletwee introspection een goede methode
Titcheners structuralism =
using introspection as its primary method for most of its existence to reduce complex mental states to the simplest elemental mental processes that appear in consciousness. -> observe and report on individual sensory experiences and thoughts. tried to discover the structure of the human mind, and tried to discern which sensation elements formed the basics of knowledge and how they were associated with one another
waarom werd structuralism niet groot in de psychologie
- introspection did not intuitively give rise to the experience of elementary sensations
- more psychologists were interested in structuralism
- psychologists argued that you cannot discover the nature of the mind by trying to break it down into atoms
introspection did not intuitively give rise to the experience of elemetary sensations=
researchers found that participants often came to a conclusion without knowing the underlying processes. also Binet found that daydreaming were incompatible with the rapid processes of thought
Titchener’s tegenargument tegen: introspection did not intuitively give rise to the experience of elemetary sensations
imageless thought might be true for naive individuals, but participants could be trained to become perceptive of their sensations.
wundt: structuralisme of functionalisme
structuralisme (maar vooral titchener!!!)
after comte’s assaults on the scientific status of psychology…
there was little doubt in the french minds that psychology belonged to the humanities.
Comte thought the metaphysical stage was an unavoidable transition from the theocratic mode of thought, characterizing primitive cultures, to the positivistic end state of mature cultures. psychology was a remnant of the metaphysical stage and its elucidation attempts on the basis of introspection would in time be replaced by proper, scientific explanations provided by biology and sociology
wat wilde Ribot doen
de fransen hadden door Comte’s aanval op de psychologie en dat het geen science zou zijn, een heel negatief beeld hierover. dit wilde Ribot weghalen door argumenten van John Stuart Mill en Herbert Spencer aan te halen.
wat waren de argumenten voor dat psychologie wel een science is?
- the mind can attend to more than one impression at the same time, so why shouldnt it be able to attend to its own conscious mental states?
- introspection can be based on memories, which allows humans to be aware of their thoughts post hoc, even for tasks involving such great effort that simultaneous monitoring is not possible
- if one rejects introspection, how can one then study mental functions? how can one find the physiological basis of a mental function if the latter supposedly does not exist?
- introspection is not incompatible with the objective method, because it can be combined with empirical observation and verification. there is no sharp divide between psychological and physiological factors, which makes it impossible to study them in interaction
ribot was ook heel veel bezig met labs, phds en textbooks etc. hij deed nooit aan experimentalists
Jean-Martin Charcot
post mortem brain analyses, interested in hypnosis to understand hysteria.
wat dacht Charcot over hysteria
hij dacht dat het heel erg overeenkwam met hypnose, en dat hij dus hypnose kon gebruiken om hysteria beter te begrijpen. ook dacht hij dat het leek op epilepsie. ze hadden allemaal vergelijkbare stages.
wat was kritiek op Charcot
Liébault en Bernheim: responsiveness is not a disorder but general, they rarely saw the 3 stages and said that hypnosis was a sleep like state, produced by suggestion.
wat zei Delboeuf:
hypnotized hysterics could switch their symptoms from one moment to the next, but only when the experimenter gave away its expectations. -> demand characteristics
waardoor werd intelligentie een hot topic aan het eind van de 19e eeuw
- Galton suggested that intelligence is hereditary
- primary education became compulsory in 1892 -> assignment of children was needed
Bidet & Simon test =
intelligence test: assess the mental age of a child and compare it with the chronological age.
aimed for tasks that were not taught in schools, so that the quality of education could not interfere
informal support=
hulp van familie en vrienden
waarom was er vanaf de 16e eeuw steeds meer hulp van autoriteiten nodig voor mensen met een mentale stoornis
- move into the city: differentiated labor
- more responsibility
- more interactions with others
- more self-discipline needed
wie hielpen mee aan het destigmatiseren van mentale problemen
Battie: first book on psychiatry
Pinel: liberated the insane from their chairs
wat waren de eerste pogingen tot ‘treatment’
trying to educate them, or trying to persuade and influence the patient to act normal via docters. in case of non-adherence: retaliation (=wraak)
hoe werden psychologische problemen iets meer genormaliseerd gedurende de eerste helft van 1800
- biological view steeds iets populairder
- discovery of a microbe that caused syphilis
- neurologists (nieuwe groep artsen)
Sigmund Freud=
private medical practice in 1886, specialized in neurology, new type of treatment based on talking to the patients. was convinced hysteria was due to repressed sexual childhood experiences or childhood fantasies
ribot never put his program into practice
wat was zo bijzonder aan freud
zijn theory van psycho-analyse was de eerste comprehensive framework for treatment, de eerste complete theory of human functioning
hoe verschilde freuds introspection van die van Wundt en James
with freud the literal meaning of what the patients say does not matter, because they did not have access to their own conscious minds
waar vond research in de UK vooral plaats
outside of universities (want die waren conservative)
- rich people
- societies with fees and endowments
- small institutes
- scholars who sponsored their work with the proceeds of books and articles
who was the first psychologist with a lab in the USA
James McKeen Cattell
first psych of USA, met philosophers James Ward & John Venn, lid van APA, onder Wundt en Galton gestudeerd. vooral over intelligence measures.
eerste psycholoog met een lab in de UK, cambridge. werd overgenomen door Myers
tijdens WWI naar de battle grounds, where he treated shell shock (to save them from execution). later interested in applied psychology
applied psychology =
the study and ability to solve problems within human behavior such as health issues, workplace issues, or education. There are various specialty areas within applied psychology including clinical psychology, counseling services, medicinal psychology, and forensic psychology.
welke uni was open to empirical study of the human mind
university college of london (want later opgericht dan oxford and cambridge)
welke twee elementen waren belangrijk in de ontwikkeling van psychologie in London
- the establishment of a chair of logic and the philosophy of the human mind
- Galton
het was heel veel gedoe om een psychologisch lab op te richten in de UK
met wie werkte Galton samen
Pearson -> correlation coefficient
wanneer was spearman
rond 1910
George Croom Robertson & Alexander Bain….
journal Mind opgericht (1976)
Edward William Cox
richtte Psychological Society of Great Brittain op in 1875
James Sully
starte the British Psychological Society in 1901. was best elitair
reductionism =
the mind of a person is nothing but the brain in operation.
wat is het verschil tussen holism en reductionism
Holism considers the context and complexity of human behavior, while reductionism seeks to isolate and study individual components in isolation.