Lecture 5 - Social cognition and emotion Flashcards
Who came up with the Facial Affect Programme?
Ekman (1971)
Who criticised the idea that emotions are universal?
Russell (1994)
What did Russell (1994) do?
Criticised the unversality of emotions. COnducted a met analysis - found that happines wass pretty much universal, but nothing else. What is important across culture is whats culturally appropriate to express and exposure to models that show how to express emotion
Who proposed early theories of emotion?
What did Canon-bard propose as a theory of emotion?
Event-> Stimulus arousal -> emotion
- Argued that the Thalamus regulates emotion
- Thalamic discharge causes fear and arousal
outline James-Lange (1887)
argued that arousal causes emotion. We are scared because we are running away from a bear. We are not running away because we are scared
Who did the bridge study
Dutton and Aron (1974)
What did Dutton & Aron (1974) do ?
- Proved that if you heart is racing, you can misattribute it as love
- If you are scared, youre more likely to find someone attractive
- Misinterpretation of arousal
According to the 3 factor theory of love, what is required for romantic love?
1) Cultural concept of love
2) An appropriate person to love
3) Emotional arousal
Who discussed primary and secondary appraisals in terms of emotion/
Smith and Lazarus (1990)
What were the primary appraisals (quetions) outlined by Smith and Lazarus (1990)
Is this: - Important to my needs/goals - Challenging/ harmful - Congruent to needs/ goals (Looks at harms and benefits)
What were the secondary appraisals (quetions) outlined by Smith and Lazarus (1990)
1) Self/ other responsibility
- who is responsible? If its others, you may feel angy
2) Problem-focused coping potential
- Behaviouraly trying to get rid of stressors in the environment
3) Emotion- focused coping potential
- Trying to internally impiar and change emotions
Who came up with a modern version of the fight or flight response?
Blascovich (2008)
Outline Blascovich’s fight or flight response
Demand/ threate - Resources equal to/ exceed demand = fight
Demand/ threat - resources inadequate = flight
Who described the 4 ways of processing social information?
Forgas (1994, 2002)