Lecture 5 - Muscles Of The Hand Flashcards
What is the flexor rectinaculum ?
- Also called the transverse carpal ligament
- Runs between the outer carpals on the palmer side of the hand
- Has a similar twin structure on the back of the hand
- Also prevents the flexor tendons from bowstringing
What does the flexor rectinaculum create?
- the carpal tunnel
- which is a tunnel for the median nerve, flexor tendons, & blood vessels for the hand
What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
- Compression of the median nerve due to overuse of the flexor tendons of the fingers (i.e., keyboard use)
- Can also be caused by pregnancy & other medical conditions
What is the thenar muscle group?
- Fleshy prominence on the radial side of the palm proximal to the thumb
- Comprised of 4 muscles that act on the thumb only
What 4 muscles are part of the thenar group?
- flexor pollicis brevis
- abductor pollicis brevis
- Opponens pollicis
- adductor pollicis brevis
What is the origin/insertion/Innervation/main action of the flexor pollicis brevis?
- part of the superficial layer
- O: Flexor rectinaculum
- I: Ulnar side of proximal phalanx of digit 1
- Inn: Branch of median nerve
- MA: Thumb flexion (at 1st CMC & MCP joint)
What is the origin/insertion/Innervation/main action of the abductor pollicis brevis?
- part of the superficial layer
- O: Flexor rectinaculum
- I: Radial side of base of proximal phalanx
- Inn: Branch of median nerve
- MA: Thumb abduction
What is the origin/insertion/Innervation/main action of the Opponens pollicis ?
- in the deep layer to the FPB & APB
- O: Flexor rectinaculum
- I: Radial side of the length of 1st metacarpal
- Inn: Branch of median nerve
- MA: Opposition of the thumb to other digits
What is the origin/insertion/Innervation/main action of the adductor pollicis brevis?
- O: Oblique head: capitate & base of 2nd & 3rd metacarpals, Transverse head: palmer aponeurosis
- I: Ulnar side of the proximal phalanx of the thumb
- Inn: Branch of ulnar nerve
- MA: Adducts the thumb
What is the hypothenar muscle group?
- The fleshy prominence proximal to the 5th digit of the hand
- Comprised of 3 muscles
What are the 3 muscles of the hypothenar group?
- abductor digiti minimi
- flexor digit minimi brevis
- Opponens digiti minimi
What is the origin/insertion/Innervation/main action of the abductor digiti minimi?
- part of the superficial layer
- O: Pisiform
- I: Base of the 5th proximal phalanx
- Inn: Branch of ulnar nerve
- MA: Abduction of the 5th digit (at 5th MCP joint)
What is the origin/insertion/Innervation/main action of the flexor digiti minimi brevis?
- O: Hamate
- I: Base of the 5th proximal phalanx
- Inn: Branch of ulnar nerve
- MA: Flexion of 5th digit (at 5th MCP joint)
What is the origin/insertion/Innervation/main action of the Opponens digiti minimi?
- deep layer to the ADM & FDMB
- O: Hamate
- I: Ulnar border of 5th metacarpal
- Inn: Branch of ulnar nerve
- MA: Opposition of 5th digit to thumb
What are the short muscles of the hand?
- lumbricals (4, worm like muscles in the palm)
- dorsal interossei (4)
- palmer interossei (3)
What is the origin/insertion/Innervation/main action of the lumbricals?
- O: Tendons of flexor digitorum profundus
- I: Expansions of extensor digitorum
- Inn: Median nerve & ulnar nerve depending on location; 1 & 2 = 2 median, 3 & 4 = 4 ulnar
- MA: Flexion at the metacarpophalangeal joint
What is the origin/insertion/Innervation/main action of the dorsal interossei?
- O: The 2 metacarpals between which it insterts; I.e., 1st dorsal interossei originates between the first & second metacarpals
- I: Base of respective proximal phalanx
- Inn: Branch of ulnar nerve
- MA: Abduction of digits 2-4 & Assists the lumbricals in flexing the MCP joints & extending the IP joints
What is the origin/insertion/Innervation/main action of the palmer interossei?
- O: Palmer surfaces of metacarpals 2, 4, 5
- I: Extensor expansion of the same digit
- Inn: Branch of ulnar nerve
- MA: Adduction of digits 2, 4, 5 & Assists lumbricals in flexing the MCP joints & extending the IP joints
What is the extensor hood?
- Also called the “Dorsal Digital Expansion” or “Extensor Expansion”
- Made up of aponeurotic tendons of Extensor Digitorum and Extensor Pollicis Longus
- Expands over the metacarpal heads and the proximal phalanges - dorsal