Lecture 5 Flashcards
Loewi’s experiment
- Vagus nerve of frog heart 1 is stimulated
- Fluid is transferred from first to second container
- Recording from frog heart 1 shows increased rate of beating after stimulation
- As does the recording from frog heart 2 after the fluid transfer
- Transmission of information between neurons happens chemically
What do synapses consist of? (3)
- Presynaptic terminal button
- Synaptic cleft
- Postsynaptic membrane
Presynaptic membrane
Contains protein molecules that transmit chemical messages
Synaptic cleft
Small space separating presynaptic terminal and postsynaptic dendritic spine
Postsynaptic membrane
Contains protein molecules that receive chemical messages
Action potential generated by the presynaptic neuron leads to…
Exocytosis of a neurotransmitter from the presynaptic terminal button and the synaptic cleft.
The transmitter binds to the postsynaptic membrane and causes a change in the resting potential of the postsynaptic neuron (EPSP or IPSP)
Synaptic transmission (4 steps)
- Synthesis and packaging
- Release
- Receptor action at postsynaptic membrane
- Inactivation
Synthesis and packaging
Building blocks of a transmitter substance are imported into the terminal.
Where the neurotransmitter is synthesised and packaged into vesicles.
- Cell body (DNA, mRNA)
- Axon terminal (precursor chemicals derived from food)
In response to an action potential, the transmitter is released across the membrane by exocytosis
- Calcium influx triggered by action potential.
- Release into synaptic cleft (exocytosis)
Receptor action
The transmitter crosses the synaptic cleft and binds to a receptor
- Depolarisation (excitation)
- Hyperpolarisation (inhibition)
- Modulation (inhibit or excite other chemical reactions)
The transmitter is either taken back into the terminal or inactivated in the synaptic cleft
- Diffusion away from synaptic cleft
- Degradation by enzymes
- Re-uptake in presynaptic cell
- Uptake by glial cells (astrocytes)
Neurotransmitter release (general)
When an action potential reaches the voltage-sensitive terminal, it opens calcium channels
Incoming calcium ions bind to calmodulin, forming a complex
This complex binds to vesicles, releasing some from filaments and inducing others to bind to the presynaptic membrane and to empty their contents to exocytosis.
Amount of neurotransmitter released depends on:
- Amount of calcium entering axon terminal
- Number of vesicles docked at the membrane
Varieties of synapses
- Axo-dendritic
- Axo-somatic
Axo-dendritic connection
From axon to dendrite
- Axon terminal from one neuron synapses on dendritic spine of another
Axo-somatic connection
From axon to cell body
- Axon terminal ends on cell body
Excitatory synapses (TYPE I)
- At dendrites
- Round vesicles
- High density (both pre- and postsynaptical)
- Wide synaptic cleft
- Large active zone
- Not determined by the neurotransmitter
Inhibitory synapses
- At cell body
- Flat vesicles
- Low density (both pre- and postsynaptical)
- Narrow synaptic cleft
- Small active zone
- Not determined by the neurotransmitter
‘Classical’ ways to identify criteria to determine whether a chemical substance is a neurotransmitter
- Synthesised or present in the neuron
- When released, must produce response in target cell
- Experimental placement must result in same response
- Mechanism of removal must exist
NB: many substances do not fulfill these criteria
More liberal explanation of what qualifies as a neurotransmitter
Chemicals that:
- Change the structure of the synapse
- Are transmitter from post- to presynaptic membrane
- Only work in combination with other substances
- Function as a neurotransmitter and as a hormone
Classification of neurotransmitters
- Small molecule transmitters
- Peptide transmitters
- Lipid transmitters
What are the most important small-molecule transmitters in the central nervous system?
- Acetycholine (Acth)
- Dopamine (DA)
- Norepinephrine (NE) = Noradrenaline
- Serotonin (SE)
- Dopamine
- Norepinephrine = noradrenaline
- Epinephrine = adrenaline
- Serotonin
Amino acids
- Glutamate
- Gamma-aminobutyric acid
- Glycine
- Histamine
- Adenosine
- Adenosine triphosphate
Acetycholine (synthesised)
Synthesised from acetate (vinegar, lemon juice) and choline (egg yolk, avocado) by enzymes
Serotonin (synthesised + regulation)
Is synthesised from L-trypophan (pork, milk)
- It regulates mood and aggression, appetite and arousal, respiration and pain perception,
GABA formation
Is formed by a simple modification of the glutamate molecule
- In forebrain and cerebellum: glutamate main excitatory & GABA main inhibitory transmitter
- In brain stem and spinal cord: Glycine more common inhibitory transmitter
Dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine synthesised
All synthesised from the precursor chemical tyrosine
Small-molecule transmitters and neuroactive drugs
Many neuroactive drugs are designed to reach the brain by the same route that small-molecule transmitters of their precursor chemicals follow: the digestive route.
Rate limiting factor
Enzyme synthesising L-Dopa from Tyrosine is limited and thus restricts the pace at which other chemicals can be synthesised
- L-Dopa can cross the blood-brain barrier
- Dopamine cannot cross the blood-brain barrier
How are neuropeptides often taken?
Digestive processes degrade neuropeptides so generally not taken orally as drugs but through other routes (e.g., intravenous)
Peptide transmitters general
- Short chains of amino acids
- Synthesised through the transcription of DNA and translation of mRNA
- Synthesis is slower compared to small molecule transmitters
- Act as hormones
2 types of peptide transmitters
Endogenous opioids
- Beta-endorphin (strong analgesic, runners high)
Exogenous opioids
- Opium, morphine, diamorphine (heroin)
What is the main lipid transmitter?
- Generated by the body
Different from phytocannabinoids (THC, CBD)
Lipid transmitters general
- Synthesised at postsynaptic membrane to act on CB1 receptors at hte presynaptic membrane (retrograde neurotransmitters)
- Affect appetite, pain, sleep. mood.
- Lipophilic (fat-loving) and thus not stored in vesicles (synthesised on demand (slow)).
- Act as neuromodulators
Lipid transmitters - neuromodulators
Inhibit the release of Glutamate and GABA (dampen both neuronal excitation and inhibition)
Excitatory neurotransmitters
- Activating
Inhibitory transmitters
- Dampening
Post synaptic receptor classes
- Ionotropic receptors
- Metabotropic receptors
Ionotropic receptors
- Binding site for neurotransmitter + ion channel
- Fast ~1ms
- Direct effect, rapidly change membrane voltage
- Usually excitatory - may trigger action potential
- NB: structurally similar to voltage sensitive channels that propagate action potential
Metabotropic receptors
- Binding site only, no ion channel
- Slow: some hundreds of ms
- Indirect effect, change the condition of the cell via G-protein inside the cell membrane
- Alpha subunit of G-protein may: activate nearby ion channel, which may lead to amplification cascade
Neurotransmitter systems in the PNS
- Somatic nervous system
- Autonomic nervous system
Somatic nervous system (neurotransmitter systems)
- Acetycholine (ACh), nicotinic acetycholine receptor nAChr
Autonomic nervous system (neurotransmitter systems)
Sympathetic divison
- Preganglionic: Acetycholine (ACh)
- Postganglionic: Norepinephrine (NE)
Parasympathetic division
- Acetycholine
Ach and NE heart rate & digestion
- Ach decreases (inhibits) heart rate but increases (excites) digestion.
- NE increases (excites) heart rate but decreases (inhibits) digestive functions
Neurotransmitter systems in CNS
- Cholinergic - acetycholine
- Dopaminergic - dopamine
- Noradrenergic - norepinephrine
- Serotonergic - serotonin
- Nucleus basalis of Meynert
Wakefulness, attention, memory
- Basal Ganglia
- Nigrostriatal pathway - active in maintaining normal motor behaviour
- Mesolimbic pathway - causes repetition of behaviours
- Locus coeruleus
- Emotional tone
- Lower levels may be related to depression
- Higher levels may be related to mania
- Raphe nuclei
- Wakefulness during movement
- High levels may be related to schizo & OCD
- Lower levels are related to depression
Chemical synapses
- ~5 ms slower
Enabled neural plasticity because they can
- Amplify or diminish signals
- Change with experience to mediate learning
Electrical synapses (gap junctions)
- ~5 mc faster
Regulated gates (can either be open or closed)
- Allow glial cells and neurons to exchange substances
- Allows groups of neurons to synchronise their firing rhythmically.
- NN: ions may flow in both directions
Habituation - neural plasticity
- Decreased neural response following repeated stimulation
- Voltage-sensitive calcium channels become less sensitive to voltage changes
- Decreases Ca2+ influx
- EPSPs become smaller due to less neurotransmitter released in synaptic cleft causing less depolarisation of postsynaptic membrane
- NB: habituation may eventually stop neurons from firing altogether
Sensitisation - neural plasticity
- Increased neural response to stimuli
- Serotonin released by interneuron makes potassium channels less responsive
- Reduced K+ efflux
- Prolonged action potentials
- Increase Ca2+ influx.
- EPSPs become larger due to increased amount of neurotransmitter in synaptic clef causing greater depolarisation of postsynaptic membrane