Lecture 10 Flashcards
Physical properties of sound (3)
Fundamental frequency - complexity
Rate at which the complex waveform patter repeats
Outer ear (3)
External ear canal
Middle ear (3)
Inner ear (5)
Oval window
Round window
Organ of corti
Auditory nerve
Outer ear functioning
The pinna catches sound waves and deflects them into the external ear canal.
Waves are amplified and directed to the eardrum causing it to vibrate.
Middle ear functioning
Once the ear drum vibrates it causes the ossicles to vibrate. Ossicles amplify and convey vibrations to the oval window.
Inner ear functioning
Vibration of the oval window sends waves of fluid through the cochlear fluid, causing the basilar and tectorial membranes to bend.
This causes cilia of outer hair cells, embedded in the tectorial membrane, to bend. This bending generates neural activity in the hair cells.
Outer hair cells
Connected to the tectorial membrane
NOT receptors: only influence the stiffness of the tectorial membrane > motor function
Inner hair cells
NOT connected to the tectorial membrane, only make loosely contact
Auditory receptors
Do not regenerate.
Movement of the cilia
Changes the inner hair cell’s membrane polarisation and its rate of neurotransmitter release
- Movement in one direction results in depolarisation: K+ influx > Ca2+ influx > more neurotransmitter in synaptic cleft (excitation)
- Movement in the other direction results in hyperpolarisation: K+ efflux > less neurotransmitter in synaptic clef (inhibition)
Audition - right thalamus
Medial geniculate nucleus to auditory complex
Auditory input
Audition - cochlea of left ear
Auditory nerve
Audition - hindbrain
Trapezoid body
Cochlear nucleus
Superior olivary nucleus
Audition - midbrain
Inferior colliculus (receives auditory input)
Tonotopic organisation in the cochlea
Hair cells in the cochlea code frequency as a function of their location on the basilar membrane
- Maintained throughout auditory pathways into A1.
- Sound below 200 Hz are not coded tonotopically but temporally
High frequencies in the cochlea
At the base of the cochlea, the basiliar membrane is narrow, thick and stiff
- Here the hair cells respond primarily to high frequencies (up to 20000 Hz)
Low frequencies in the cochlea
At the apex of the cochlea, basiliar membrane is wide, thin, and soft
- Here the hair cells respond primarily to low frequencies (from 20 Hz upwards)
Temporal coding
Larger amplitude of the sound waves lead to
- More intense vibration of the oval window
- More intense waves in the cochlear fluid
- More intense vibration of the basiliar and tectorial membranes
- More intense cochlear fluid flow past the cilia of the inner hair cells
- More release of neurotransmitter
- Bipolar neurons fire more frequently
Interaural time difference (ITD)
Arrival time
- Detection threshold in humans is around 10 us.
- Computed in medial superior olivary complex.
Interaural intensity difference (IID)
- Computed in lateral superior olivary complex and trapezoid body
- Most effective for high requencies
Ventral for audition
- Auditory object recognition
- Understanding language
- Left temporal lobe > Wernicke’s area
Doral for audition
- Audition for action
- Producing language
- Left frontal lobe, Broca’s area
The organisation of music in the brain is lateralised to the right hemisphere instead of the left hemisphere
- Music processing does not occur exclusively in the right hemisphere.