Lecture 5 Flashcards
What 2 species can salmonellae be divided into
Salmonellae bongori
Salmonellae enterica
What species can salmonellae enterica be divided into (4)
S. enterica serovar typhi
S. enterica serovar paratyphi
S. enterica serovar typhimurium
S. enterica serovar enteritidis
When trying to figure out the salmonellae species, what word should you think of?
How many gram negative bacteria did we learn about that have subspecies
What are the 4 kinds of Escherichia coli
e. coli enterotoxigenic
e. coli enteropathogenic
e. coli enteroinvasive
e. coli 0157: H7
What are the two spore forming rods
How many bacillus bacteria are there
what are the two bacillus bacteria
Bacillus anthracis
Bacillus cereus
What does b. anthracis cause
is there a vaccine for b. anthracis
What is the vaccine targeted towards in b. anthracis
One of the exotoxin proteins, protective antigen
What are the 3 proteins in the exotoxins in bacillus antracis
Edema factor
Protective agent
Lethal factor
Can you treat those infected with b. anthracis
Yes, use antibiotics
What does b. cereus cause
food poisoning
What are the two kinds of enterotoxins
heat labile
heat stable
can you use antibiotics to treat bacillus cereus
How does clostridium differ from other spore forming bacilli
its anaerobic
what leads to rapid diagnosis with clostridium bacilli
Powerful exotoxins
How does clostridium botulinum affect the body
Blocks Ach release, causes flaccid muscle paralysis
Why does blocking Ach cause muscle paralysis
Stops the smooth muscles from being able to contract
How is infant botulism caused
Honey contaminated with spores
What bacilli causes tetanus
clostridium tetani
what is the exotoxin associated with clostridium tetani
is there a vaccine for clostridium tetani
What are the stages of infection with clostridium perfringens
1) wound infection/cellulitis
2) clostridial myonecrosis
what does clostridium perfringens cause
gas gangrene
what does the skin look like in the first stage of infection with clostridium perfringens
moist and spongy with crackly pockets
what happens in the second stage of infection with clostridium perfringes (3)
bacteria goes to muscles
exotoxin destroys muscles
black fluid excretes from skin
Can clostridial myonecrosis be treated, how
yes, antibiotics oxygen, remove damaged tissue
what bacilli is clostridial myonecrosis caused by
clostridium perfringens
what is a main cause of infection with clostridium difficile
overuse of antibiotics
what is antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis caused by
overuse of antibiotics, infection from clostridium difficile
What are the two toxins associated with clostridium difficile
Toxin A and B
What does toxin A cause? what bacilli
clostridium difficile
what does toxin b do
what bacilli
its cytotoxic to colon cells
clostridium difficile
are clostridium spore producing
are clostridium aerobic or anaerobic
are bacillus aerobic or anaerobic
are bacillus spore producing
how to treat clostridium difficile
stop antibiotics
give metronidazole or vancomycin
what are the two non spore producing bacilli
listeria monocytogenes
corynebacterium diptheriae
What are 3 big characteristics of listeria monocytogenes
crosses 3 protective barriers
facultative intracellular aerobe
what 3 protective barriers does listeria monocytogenes cross
blood brain
where is listeria monocytogenes found
soft cheeses
unpasteurized milk
cold cuts
what is the bacteria that causes diptheria
cornybacterium diptheriae
how do you treat corynebacterium diptheriae
DPT vaccine
what bacilli can be lysogenized by a bacteriophage
corynebacterium diptheriae
What are the four major groups of enterics
what group of enterics does salmonellae, shigellae and e coli belong to
what group of enterics does vibrio and campylobacter belong to
what group of enterics does pseudomonas belong to