Lecture 4 Pulmonary Function Testing (missed this lecture) Flashcards
What is FEV?
max volume of air that can be expired in the first second following max inspiration
What is FVC?
total volume of air that can be expired following max inspiration
FEV over FVC is usually around ___
In obstructive lung disease, FEV1 _______ dramatically. FVC _____ slightly. Thus, what happens to the FEV1/FVC?
decreases, decreases;
decreases below 70%
FEV1 is used to follow severity in _____
COPD is ____ + _____
bronchitis + emphysema
asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis, and _____ airway obstruction are examples of _____ lung disease
In restrictive lung disease, there is ____ FEV1 and ______ FVC. What is the FEV1/FVC?
decreased, decreased; normal or greater than 80%
In obstructive lung disease, lung volumes are ____ than normal. In restrictive lung disease, lung volumes are ____ than normal
greater; less
bronchodilator response is the degree to which ____ improves with inhaled bronchodilator. it documents _____ airflow obstruction.
FEV1; reversible
There is a “significant bronchodilator response” if FEV1 increases by ___ % and ____ mL
12, 200
On a flow volume loop curve, the ___ axis describes the FVC. Inspiration is negative on the ___ axis, while expiration is positive
x, y
diffusing capacity measures the ability of the lungs to transport inhaled gas from the ____ to the _____. What gas is used?
alveoli, pulmonary capillaries; carbon monoxide
diffusion capacity depends on 3 things:
alveolar-capillary membrane, Hb concentration, and cardiac output
causes of increased diffusion capacity of CO:
____ (or normal), pulmonary ____, ______, or a __ to ___ shunt
asthma, hemorrhage, polycythemia, L to R
Of obstructive and restrictive lung disease, which has a decreased residual volume?
restrictive = decreased, obstructive = increased
restrictive lung disease is characterized by decreased _____
useful in diagnosis of ____ in the setting of normal pulm function tests. 2 common agents listed?
asthma; methacholine, histamine
bronchoprovocation is diagnostic of asthma if there is a greater than 20% _____ in ____
decrease, FEV1