Lecture 14 Common kid illnesses Flashcards
Varicella is characterized by ____ lesions that are at (the same or different?) stages
itchy, different
patient is infectious from ____ hours before the skin lesions until the skin lesions are ____
48 hours, fully crusted
Varicella lesions are most prominent on the ____. characterized as “ ____”
trunk, dew drops on a rose petal
Measles is caused by the ____ virus. Prodrome stage lasting 1 week is characterized fever, photophobia, and the three 3 C’s _________
conjunctivits, cough, coryza (runny nose)
that pathognomonic symptom of measles is ____ (enanthem). it usually appears 2 days ____ the rash
koplik spots;
Measles rash:
begins on the ____ and spreads to the ____.
head, trunk/extremities;
koplik spots are bright ___ spots with a ____ center on the ____ mucosa
red, blue white;
measles complications:
___ ____ pneumonia;
acute disseminiated ____ during recovery;
or subacute ____ ____ 7-10 years after measles
giant cell;
sclerosing panencephalitis
Rubella is a ___ that causes “____ (german) measles”
3 day
low grade fever, tender _____ cervical and ___auricular and occipital lymphadenopathy, arthralgias, rash
posterior, post
____ spots are dusky red spots that develop on the ____ at the beginning of the rash (enanthem)
forchheimer spots;
posterior soft/hard palate;
aka palatal petechiae
rash is described as pink, ____ _____ rash that starts on the ____ and spreads ____. it lasts ___ days
pinpoint maculopapular, face; to trunk/limbs;
Classic triad of clinical rubella syndrome:
____ (heart), _____, and _____;
sometimes a ______ rash
PDA, cataracs, deafness;
blueberry muffin
erythema infectiosum (5th disease) is caused by the ____ virus. what are its 3 distinct phases?
parvovirus B19;
slapped cheeks –> fishnet erythema –> recurrence of rash after resolution
Other syndromes caused by B19 virus:
RBC destruction in fetus leading to ____ ____ and death;
pure red cell _____ and ____ anemia in chronic hemolytic disease patients;
chronic ____ in adults
hydrops fetalis;
aplasia, aplastic;
roseola infantum/exanthem subitum is caused by what virus?
herpesvirus 6 or 7
Roseola characteristics:
_____ ____ for 3 to 4 days that goes away, followed by ___ ____
high fever;
maculopapular rash
hand foot and mouth disease is caused by the _____ virus or _____
coxsackie, enterovirus
Characteristics of hand food and mouth disease:
(painful/painless) vesicular lesions on HFM;
most symptoms are seen in the ____
coxsackie A virus also causes ____, that is characterized by yellowish white papulovesicular lesions on the tonsils, uvula, and palate