Lecture 4: client-centered therapy Flashcards
in welke periode werd client centered therapy uitgevonden
tijdens psychoanalyse en behaviourism. both largely saw humans as passive, influenced by their unconscious urges or the environment. in response, rogers started to focus more on people’s subjective experience and on the person in totality (=humanistic approach)
self-actualizing tendency: wat wordt hiermee bedoeld?
self-actualization does not only mean growth, but also integration of different capacities, skills and knowledge.
it is important to see growth as the best possible adaptation to one’s environment; it does not have to be perfect to be functional in a maladaptive environment.
overlap client centered therapy en motivational interviewing=
expressing empathy, being non-directive and supporting personal effectiveness
reflective framework=
the classic Rogerian framework in which the focus is on exploring the client’s narrative by using empathic reflections.
experiental framework =
framework that emphasizes a patient’s physical experiences and the emotions, images and thoughts that come up during them. bv focusing-oriented and emotion-focused therapy (EFT).
interactional framework=
a framework that, next to exploring a patients inner world, focuses on what happens within the therapeutic relationship. patterns of interpersonal behaviour are explored through paying attention to a number of markers:
- withdrawal markers (denial of feelings or conflicts, changing subjects, rambling, rationalizing)
- confrontation markers: therapist (attitude, expertise), and therapy variables (method, type)
techniques: meta-communication, confrontation and directness.
existential framework =
a framework that emphasizes that we have freedom, which comes with choices and taking responsibility for them. according to this framework, psychopathology is a choice and a form of avoiding responsibility, making choices or their consequences
existential/well-being framework =
a framework in which the emphasis is mostly on the positive aspects of one’s life (positive psychology). bv solution-focused therapy, in which it is about what a patient wants to achieve and what is already going well (about bringing out inner strength.
Rogers’ theory: historical framework, where did his theory arrive from
- psychoanalysis (influence of unconscious urges, relationship as repetition, (counter)transferance, resistance, interpretation)
- behaviourism (behaviour, environmental influences)
- humanistic approach (subjective experience, person in their totality (client/person-centered), the individual as active)
self-actualizing tendency componenten
- growth: allowing capacities to develop
- integration: integrating new skills/knowledge
- not a bigger, but a stronger tree!
- human is an active organism: this is best seen in a child. limitations lead to the best possible adaptation.
is rogers theory hebben ze het niet over labels, maar over…
the best possible way to survive
Rogers: congruence vs. incongruence
- congruence - fully functioning person (this is seen in a child: when they are happy, they show this. when they are angry, they show this as well).
- healthy growth and integration
- different pieces of the self fit together (are congruent)
- fully lived-through experience - incongruence - psychopathology (soms gaat het leren van het reguleren en communiceren van emoties op een sociaal acceptabele manier iets te ver -> dan kan psychopathologie ontstaan).
- internal and/or external conflicts which can lead to tension
wat zei rogers over de therapeutische relatie
- relationship as vehicle: its a necessary breeding ground, provides the means to change
- three core conditions: congruence (genuineness), unconditional positive regard, empathy
wat wordt vaak gezien als de belangrijkste
2 modellen om te kijken naar de therapeutische relatie
- Diagnosis-prescription model
– Directive, objectifying
– Unequal relationship : “I need to solve your
problems” - Cooperation model
– Empathetic, actively involved
– Equality: looking for solutions together