lecture 4 Flashcards
c = X-ray p= function m = high resolution - closest to real.
dark = low density
light = high density
put all 6 slices together to get 3D image.
image acquisition - slicing orientation
- ascending: bottom to top
- descending: top to bottom
- interleaved: odd numbers up, then even numbers up. try to get from top to bottom quickest - then fill in gaps.
static coil - always on. aligns hydrogen atoms in water in body.
radio frequency field pulse sequence:
-transmitter coil: perturbs static field, excited H for it to absorb energy, . once turned off, H re-align = detected & create image.
- receivor coil: reception, image acquisition.
gradient field: spatial info - help tell where image is coming from.
anatomical vs functional imaging
A = MRI, CAT = what brain looks like F= PET = how brain works.
first functional brain experiment
Mosso - tippy scale. patient balanced on it. as they started thinking the scale would tip more towards their head
positron emission tomography. functional technique
-radioactive tracers, O2, Glucose. go to area where there s high blood flow/brain activity. radioactive metabolized = releases positron, attract electron. when they meet = ollide & annihilate each other = give off energy as light.
PET activation
Start with control = no stimulation - image brain. baseline.
activation = activated areas by observing/listening or other cognitive task.
subtraction = subtract baseline/control from stimulation image to get area that is only related to stimulated. average many stimulated within one patient.
averaging = average within one patient, many rounds and later, many patients average of rounds.
- BOLD signal
Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BBOLD) signal - measure of neural activity.
neurovascular coupling = neurons fire = need more O2 = attain fMRI image that way.
clinical uses of fMRI
brain tumor drug abuse/addiction (long term use, treatment) drug studies (drug on cognition/brain) neuropsychological disorders. (function = distinction among subtypes(
fMRI - working memory, alcoholics
chronic alcoholics = significantly less brain function during working memory use. function can come back within 8 days.
fMRI setup for visual test
- glass/mirror system. project video screen without putting metal screen in MRI machine.
contrast: anatomical
the ability to distinguish between 2+ different properties of tissue
functional contrast
contrast should really be considered as “contrast to noise”: how effectively can we decide whether a given brain region has property X or property Y
spatial resolution: voxels
different between functional and anatomical
voxel - small cubic prism that is the basic sampling unit of fMRI. typical functional voxel: 3mm^3, typical anatomical voxel: 1mm^3