lecture 33 Flashcards
is alcohol a depressant?
yes and a diuretic
is the alcohol toxic?
yes, toxic to the brain and liver in high quantities.
how does alcohol effect energy intake
can substantially increase it.
how does alcohol effect CHD
possible small protective against CHD, if consumed in moderation.
how much of alcohol is excreted
<10% excreted in breath, sweat and urine. the rest is metabolised in liver.
what effects elimination of alcohol?
age, sex, habituation, feeding effect, exercise effect.
oxidation of alcohol to acetaldehyde
ADH catalyses the oxidation to ethanol to acetaldehyde.
why is acetaldehyde bad?
very toxic to the liver
how does alcohol generate ROS
The metabolism of ethanol to acetaldehyde generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), contributing to oxidative stress and further cellular damage.
how does it get to acetate.
Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) catalyzes the oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetate. Acetate is a much less toxic metabolite compared to acetaldehyde.
what happens to acetate ?
can enter krebs cycle via acetyl-CoA or can be stored as fat.
cardiovascular effects of alcohol
Stimulates Adrenaline secretion, Vasodilates skin (increase hypothermia risk), Complex effects on coagulation.
what does adrenaline secretion cause
↑ Blood pressure
increase Arrhythmias
increase Infarction risk (esp. of brain)
Ventricular weakening
long term cardiovasculr effects of alcohol
Myocardial myopathy, dysfunction & stiffening
how does alcohol alter regulation of blood glucose and amino acids.
By way of the ↑ Adrenaline
increase insulin, therefore uptake by muscle
increase Glycogenolysis in muscle and liver
how does alcohol decrease innate immunity
Function of neutrophils and macrophages
decrease oxidative burst
decrease phagocyte function
how does alcohol effect lymphocytes
decreases them
how is alcohol a diuretic
Impairs Anti-Diuretic hormone secretion.
Whether alcoholic beverage causes net
water deficit (hypohydration) depends on
Existing anti-diuretic hormone activity
increase by strenuous & dehydrating exercise
Alcohol content in ingested fluid
Metabolism of alcohol
how does alcohol effect sleep
decrease quality and duration
how does alcohol effect brainstem activities
suppress them. affecting cv control
alcohol and mismatch Between Perceived and Actual Competence
Alcohol affects the brain regions responsible for judgment and self-awareness, often leading to a disparity between how competent individuals feel and their actual abilities.
how does alcohol effect the vestibular system?
reduces it, making us dizzy, vertigo.
decrease visuomotor tracking performance and alcohol
Alcohol negatively impacts the brain’s ability to coordinate visual input with motor output. This impairment affects tasks that require precise hand-eye coordination, such as driving or operating machinery.
how much of all diseases burden in developed world is alcohol responsible for
how does alcohol effect protein synthesis
decrease synthesis of new protein after training (see Fig) Maybe in males but not females
counter measures for alcoholl
Food intake?
Sinclair: BPhEd Hons - Food improved alcohol clearance but
exercise did not, whether with food or not