Lecture 32 - Cholestatic Disease Flashcards
The most common etiology of neonatal cholestasis is _____ _____ atresia. Bile duct ______ is also possible, but this is actually normal for _____ neonates, so it shouldn’t be considered syndromic.
Extrahepatic biliary atresia
The first thing to do for neonates presenting with jaundice is Fractionate ______.
If it is mostly CONJUGATED –> look to 4 possibilities. What are they?
Extrahepatic Biliary atresia
When should abdominal ultrasound be performed on a neonate when you want to view the gallbladder?
When they are Fasting –> the gallbladder is small, so if it’s contracted during digestion, it may not be visible.
A ______ scan can show Extrahepatic biliary atresia bc there will not be any uptake of the dye into the intestine.
Management for Extrahepatic biliary atresia should involve _____ _______ –> connects the jejunum to the liver and the duodenum/stomach to a more distal part of the jejunum.
How soon after birth does this need to be diagnosed for decent success rate (about 75%)?
Kasai’s Portoenterostomy
Within 60 days
Treatment for Galactosemia is ______-free formula.
Treatment for Tyrosinemia is diet low in ________ and Tyrosine. They can also be given NTBC, which drastically lowers the risk for _____ if given early in disease progression.
Neonates with Choestasis will obviously have issues with fat malabsorption, so their diets should be supplemented with ______-_____ fatty acids. Why?
They do not require micelle formation for absorption –> they can be directly absorbed.
Assessing Neonates for malnutrition should focus on measurements of ___ skin folds and mid-upper arm ______ (areas of fat stores in neonates). Why are body weight and height not good metrics?
Tricep skin folds
Body weight –> can be falsely normal/high from organomegaly/ascites.
Height –> usually changes with CHRONIC malabsorption.
Caloric intake for malnurished neonates should be increased from 100cals/kg body weight/day to _____-_____cals/kg body weight/day.
Edema and Fibrosis are characteristic of _____ (early or late?) changes in Extrahepatic biliary atresia.
The key diagnostic procedure for identifying Extrahepatic biliary atresia in neonates is ________ _______.
Intaroperative Cholangiogram (surgical administration of dye to confirm atresia).
Neonates with recurrent cholangitis and ______ _______ should be considered for liver transplant.
Portal Hypertension
Alagille syndrome can result in cholestasis and is associated with an autosomal dom mutation in _____ gene on Chromosome ____.
Byler’s syndrome results in progressive cholestasis, though _____ can be low or normal. They may show elevated sweat ______. The associated mutation is in the ATP8B1 gene on chromosome _____. This disease responds to partial biliary _____.