Lecture 27 - Pathology of Liver Tumors Flashcards
Hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder that causes increased Iron uptake in the intestines. Interestingly, patients don’t typically experience tissue injury until about the _____ decade of life, as iron slowly builds and becomes toxic at higher levels. Even still, patients won’t become symptomatic until the liver exhibits fibrosis/cirrhosis, which typically occurs around the _____ decade of life for these patients.
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) is caused by autoimmune disease typically arising in middle-aged _____ (gender?) and presents with itching from deposition of ____ ____. The pathology of this disease results from ______ retention and resultant fibrosis, damaging the bile ducts.
Which LFT will help identify bile duct damage? Which antibodies are detected in PBC patients?
Bile salts
ALP will be elevated (don’t forget about GGT)
These patients will be positive for AMA.
A few causes of ascites resulting from cirrhosis include ________ (leading to decreased oncotic pressure of blood –> fluid moves out of vasculature into ECF), _______ syndrome leading to the accumulation of Na+ in tissues, and leakage of ______ from the liver.
Hepatorenal syndrome
Like with the lung, the most common cause of malignancy of the Liver is _______.
The most common tumor (benign) of the liver is _______.
______ ______ is the most common primary malignancy of the liver.
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hepatic Adenomas are benign, _______ cell-derived liver tumors common among women taking _____ _____.
How were they treated?
Epithelial cell
Birth control
Taken off birth control and the tumors resolved.
Cholangiocarcinoma is an _______ cell-derived bile duct tumor found in patients with ______ ______ ______ or infection with the liver flukes _____ and _____ (typically in Asians).
Epithelial cell
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)
Angiosarcoma is a malignancy of the _____ ______ (Kupffer) cells of the liver. It is associated with exposure to Arsenic and ______.
Stromal Vascular cells
PVC ((poly)vinylchloride)
_____ _____ _____ results in a benign tumor very similar to Hepatic Adenoma. How is it distinguished on gross examination?
Focal Nodular Hyperplasia
It has a distinguishing central scar in the middle when the tumor is cut open.
Hepatocellular Carcinoma is the most common malignancy in the world. It is associated with which Hep viruses?
It is also associated with _____, trace amounts of which are found in ALL peanut butter.
Hep B (more so than C bc B can progress directly to HCC without causing cirrhosis first) and C
How will hepatocellular carcinoma appear in patients with non-cirrhotic vs patients with cirrhotic livers?
Non-cirrhotic –> Large, single lesion with maybe one satellite lesion.
Cirrhotic liver patients will present with multiple lesions.