Lecture 31 - Complications of Pregnancy Flashcards
Tx of hernias during pregnancy
Support body wall for as long as possible until as close to term as possible until we can deliver a mature fetus - via induction of labor or c/section
Rupture of body wall is MC in what species?
Special type of body wall rupture in the pregnant mare is due to rupture of the _______ tendon.
What can predipose mare to rupture of the body wall?
Hydrops, twins, excessive ventral edema
Early signs of pre-pubic tendon rupture in the mare:
blood in the teats
Later signs of pre-pubic tendon rupture in the mare:
Teats point backward
Tx of rupture of pre-pubic tendon in the mare
Body wrap, induce fetal maturation if time permits.
Terminal c/section in severe cases to save the neonate
Assisted delivery at the minimum
If a terminal c-section is decided upon during a rupture of the body wall due to an imminent disaster, what is the procedure?
Use a stun gun to the mare - do not want to anesthetize the mare, because it will anesthetize the foal, and we want the foal to get up on its legs as soon as possible.
When you use a stun gun, it puts the mare into an anesthetized and comatose state but her heart will still be working just for enough time to perform the c-section so that the fetus still gets oxygenated blood.
As soon as the mare is out, sever the carotid arteries of the mare to bleed her out - thus killing her.
Uterine torsions in the cow are most commenly encountered during the late ____ stage or early ___ stage of labor.
late 1st or early 2nd stage
In the cow, it is more common for a uterine torsion to turn _______ (to the dam’s _____)
counter-clockwise; left
A uterine tosion in a cow will at least partially occlude the _____
birth canal
Most uterine torsions int he mare occur between ____ months and ____. The presenting complaint is ____. I
8 months - term; colic (if occurs at term presenting complaint is dystocia)
how to diagnose uterine torsion in the mare?
Is the vagina usually involved?
Trans-rectal exam - vagina is NOT usually involved.
Uterine torsion in the hembra may occur in ____ gestation.
Late (pre-term)
Can you use a trans-rectal exam to to diagnose uterine torsion in a pregnant hembra?
No! You would need tiny hands.
During a transrectal exam, we asses the tension of the broad ligaments to know what side the uterine torsion is. How do we know the difference between torsion to the right vs left?
Right - right broad ligament is pulled downward and under the uterus or vagina; left broad ligament is pulled over the top of the cervix and twoard the right.
Left - right broad ligament is pulled over the top of the cervixand toward the left; the left broad ligament is pullsed downard and uner the uterus or vagina.
Tension on the broad ligaments and uterine arteries suggests the ____ of uterine torsion.
A vaginal exam on an animal with a uterine torsion often reveals a twist within the dorsal ____ folds. How do the folds twist in regards to the side of the uterine torsion?
vaginal - if your fingers get dragged over to the right, you have a right uterine torsion, if your fingers are dragged to the left side, you have a left sided torsion (folds in dorsal wall will point in the direction of the torsion)
A vaingal exam is important in an animal with uterine torsion because we can assess the degree of occlusion of the _____.
Birth cannal
How do you fix a uterine torsion via a vaginal exam/birth canal?
If the torsion is not as severe, you can ran the fetus with your hand and undo the torsion by twisting the fetus.
Must have access to the fetus through partially dilated and patent cervix.
Most successful in fresh cases with moderate degree of torsion.
Wrap front legs around each other and roll uterus with the fetus.
Can use a detorsion rod (but uncommon)
You can roll a cow to try to fix uterine torsions. It is important however, to first ____ the cow to the ____ side that the torsion has occured.
Cast; same
How to roll a cow to fix a uterine torsion to the left?
Cast animal on her LEFT side
Roll her to the LEFT
When rolling a cow to fix a uterine torsion, sometimes the fetus and thus the uterus move with the cow, how can we prevent this?
Apply a plank across the side of hte animal to put pressure on the abdomen. This pins the fetus in its current location.
It is important to re-examine the birth canal and assess proress when rolling a cow to fix a uterine torsion. What will often happen right away once you fix the torsion?
The water will break immediately and amnion will show at the vulva.
T/F: Never role a cow twice with a uterine torsion without examining her inbetween.
When rolling a hembra to fix a uterine torsion, what can you use to stabilize the fetus while rolling the dam?
In a cow, examine the cervix after detorsion by rolling. If it is closed with a LIVE calf, wait up to ___ hours for the cervix to dilate. If it is closed with a dead calf, the cervix will not dilate, and we need to perform a _____.
6 hours; C/section
When should you avoid rolling to fix a uterine torsion in a calf or foal?
When the calf/foal is dead and possibly emphysematous or the uterus is compromised. The uterus can rupture secondary to extreme fetal emphysema. Uterine contents end up in the perotneum, killing the dam.
In alpacas, because uterine torsions are so difficult to dx and difficult to roll when fixing a uterine torsion, what is another tx option?
Laparotomy - can confirm diagnosis, correct torsion, and perform vaginal delivery or c-section.
When you roll a mare to fix uterine torsion, it is improtant to ______ her first.
Describe using laparatomy a tx method for uterine torsion in the mare
- Standing
- Incision on the side to which the uterus is displaced
- Roate uterus to normal position
- Ventral midline under general anesthesia
- Leave fetus in pacle if uterus is not severely comproimsed; expect pregnancy to continue
Vaginal prolpases occur in all species, but vary WHEN they occur.
In cattle and sheep, vaginal prolapses commonly occur during _____ due to high ____ and ____.
In dogs, vaginal prolapses commonly occur during ______.
Cattle, sheep - late gestation - high estrogen and relaxin
Dogs - estrus
MC species to get vaginal prolapse
Cow and sheep (however sheep is caused by us)
Why do vaginal prolapses in cows occur in late gestation most commonly?
The high levels of estrogen and relaxin prior to parturition leads to severe, extensive relaxation of pelvic ligaments and therefore the entire perineal architecture becomes sloppy and floppy and leads to the eversion of the vagina under increased pressure of hte abdominal site.
Early C/S of vaginal prolpase in cow:
Begins with mucous memrbanes exposed in a recumebnt cow, and the tissues return to normal upon arising.
Vaginal prolapses can include the _____ and cause secondary ____ prolapse.
urinary bladder; rectal
Tx of vaginal prolpase in the cow
- Caudal epidural anesthesia to remove the incentive to strain
- clean and replace
- Lubricate and protect tissue, hydroscopic agents
- Suture significant lacerations
- Retain in position
- Buhner suture; bootlace suture
- Many other retaining devices and techniques
- Cull the cow after calf is weaned
Descibre the Buhner technique in treating vaginal prolapse
- Make full thickness, vertical skin incisions dorsal and ventral to the vulva.
- Then use the buhner needle and push it through the ventral incision all along the vulva lip to exit through the dorsal incision.
- Thread umbilical tape soaked in iodine through the eye the needle and reverse the needle.
- Pass the needle along the opposite vulva lip and pull the end of the umbilical tape through the second side.
- Tie the suture in show lace bow, burying the knot in the ventral incision. Leave 3-4 fingers opening.
- Instruct the farmer on how to open and remove suture when labor starts!!
Describe the boot lace technique to tx vaginal prolapse:
Use steal hooks on either side of hte vulva and lace these hoks with a suture material and tie.
This is not as sturdy as the buhner suture, and we can even use weaker suture material if the partus observation is poor, allowing it to tear by itself as cow gets into labor.
A very common cause of vaginal prolapse in ewes is from what?
Excessively short tail docking in show sheep
Someone designed a special prolapse retainer for ewes with vaginal prolapse. It can only be used in ____ sheep.
fleeced - with wool - wings of retainer are tied to the fleece of sheep
Why does the prolpase retainer designed for sheep to tx vaginal prolpase often not work?
Because if the spoon feels uncomfortable in the ewe - the ewe will start pushing/straining, which will push out the retainer.
What is an alternate method for tx vaginal prolapse in the ewe besides the proplase retainer?
Matress sutures across vulvar cleft - these need to taken out prior to delivery!!
Benefits of amniotic fluid
- Protects the fetus from external shock
- Prevents adhesions between the fetal skin and amniotic membrane
- “amniotc bubble” aids in dilation of cervix
- Lubricates the birth canal
How is the amount of amniotic fluid regulated?
Fetus regulates the volume by swallowing or by drawing fluid into its lungs during respriaotry movements.
Concentration of fetal urine _____ as pregnancy advances and secretions from the respiratory tract increase.
Consistency of amniotic fluid will also change from ____ to ____ mostly so in ruminants.
watery to mucoid
Allantoic fluid is composed of what?
Fetal urine and eretory products that cannot be transferred back to the dam.
How is volume of allantoic fluid regulated?
By the placenta
Hydrops MC occurs in the _____ and NOT in the ____.
allanotis; NOT in the amnion
If a cow suffers hydroallantois, is the problem likely with the fetus or the uterus/cow?
The cow - becuase placenta regulates the volume int he allantoic fluid - and most likely due to an abnormal uterine lining.
So we do not want to breed the cow again if it has suffered from hydroallantois - likely to happen again.
Hydrops of the amnion (hydramnios) is characterized by a gradual enlargement of the amniotic cavity. It really only found in _____, and is associated with an abnormal ____.
Cattle - RARE in other species; Fetus - unable to swallow fluid.
C/S of hydrops of the amnion
- Condition develops slowly during the last half of pregnancy
- Large volume of viscid fluid released at parturition
- Cow may be unable to rise
- Uterine inertia and dystocia due to excessive stretching of the myometrium
Tx of hydramnios
Extract fetus
Induce parturition
Emergency slaughter
Prognosis of hydramnios - dam vs fetus
Good for dam
Fetus is frequently abnormal.
How is hydrops of the allanotis characterized differently than hydrops of the amnion?
Hydroallantois is characterized by a rapid accumulation of fluid during late gestation, where hydramnios is a gradual accumulation of fluid during late gestation.
What is more common cattle, hydroallantois or hydramnios?
Hydroallantois - comprises 90% of dropsical conditios inc attle.
(Hydramnios only about 10%)
Hydroallantois is associated with defective ____ or ____.
Placenta or uterus
C/S of hydroallantois
- Rapid enlargement of abdomen (5-20 days)
- Difficult to palpate fetus and placentomes; can palpate only fluid-filled, “doming” tense uterine wall
- GI signs - anorexia, rumen atony in cows
- Dyspnea, elevated heart rate, colic in mares
- Cows move with difficulty and eventually become recumbant
Tx of hydroallantois
- Emergency slaughter if dam will pass ante-mortem inspection
- Terminate pregnancy (PGF and/or dexamethasone)
- If we want to save the cow - Drain fluid SLOWLY
- C-section
- Complicated by shock (sudden decrease in intra-abdominal pressure –> circulatory collapse)
- Rapid fluid administration may be needed while draining allantoic fluid
T/F: a cow can die from shock when draining fluid from a hydro-allantois.
FALSE - dies from circulatory collapse, not shock becuase we are not removing circulating blood from her, the only thing that happens is htat we change the intravascular pressure in her vessels to all her abodminal organs.
In cows, _____ placentation is almost always present in hydroallantois cases.
Prognosis of hydroallantois
Poor - dam is predisposed to retained fetl membranes and metritis; uterus re-fills with fluid before and/or after fetus is removed.
Fetus frequently dies
Pregnancy toxemia most commonly occurs in what species?
Sheep and goats, sheep MC