Lecture 3- food chemistry Flashcards
why do McDonalds burger not rot
what is water
what are the moisture contains of food
how do we measure the moisture content of foods
what is the chemical structure of water
what type of molecule is water and what does this mean
how many physical states does water have
what does water depend on
what is +ve & -ve role in food reactions
what is a polar solvent
what do high amounts of salts/sugars cause
what is function of water in food
water is water activity and what is the water conc in most foods
what is water holding capacity
what is moisture content
what foods have bound water and what food has free water and why
what is equation for Aw
what is freezing and drying a method of
what does an Aw below 0.65 mean
what does an below 0.3 mean
what is fat
how many calories are in nutrients
what is the function of fat
what 2 methods are used for finding the energy value of food
what is calorimetry
what is proximate composition
what is a calorie
how may calories in a kcal
How can we turn kcal into kJ
how is fat measured
what is the composition of fats (lipids, at room temp, source, high in, degree of saturation, triglycerides)
what is the composition of oils (lipids, at room temp, source, high in, degree of saturation)
what is the structure of triglycerides
what is the classification of fats
how many kcal in 1 gram of fat
what are cis fats
what are trans fats
what does N3 and N6 play a role in
what is the function of lipids in food
what is the physical reaction of fats
what is the physical reaction of fats mainly affected by
what chemical reactions involve double bonds
what chemical reactions involve ester bond
what is emulsion
what are examples of O/W products
what are examples o W/O products
what is the fat sugar seesaw
what is protein
what are insects used for
how many types o protein does the body have
why does the body need protein
what are the main ingredient proteins
what is the structure of proteins
what are the 8 essential amino acids and why are they needed
what is transamination
what are proteins polymers of and what does shape and function determined by
what are the levels of protein structure and what do they look like
what is protein denaturation and what causes it
what can denaturation result in
what will albumins dissolve in
what does globulins dissolve in
what is the shape of albumins and globulins
what is the function of albumins and globulins
what is the source of albumins and globulins
what does the protein nutritive value depend on
what is the Biological Value (BV) of protein
how much is 16% nitrogen equal to
what are the functions o proteins in food
what is the Maillard reaction and what speeds it up and what is it used in
what can a Maillard reaction cause a loss in