Lecture 3 Flashcards
Activities or tasks that require voluntary control over movements of the joints and body segments to achieve a goal
Motor skill
Activity or task that has a specific purpose or goal to achieve
What 3 things effect how well you do a skill?
Degree of competence
Capcity to perform
Efficiency when performing an activity or task
Acquisition, enahcement, reacqusition of a motor skill
Motor learning
activation and coordination of muscles and limbs involved in the performance of a motor skill
Motor contorl
How growth and maturation influence changes in motor behavior
Motor development
What are the 4 requirements of a motor skill?
1) Goal to achieve
2) Performed voluntarily (not reflexive)
3) Movement of joints and body segments
4) Need to be learned to relearned
Motor skill =
Motor action
Working memory –> rehearsal (practice) –> encoding –> storgage –> long term memory –> retrival
The variety of movement and context charcteristics a person experiences while practicing a skill
Or better said
What is changing about how the person is doing the skill or the environment that they are doing it in or the type of environment or the type of feedback they are getting while they are doing. It’s whats changing opposed to just doing the exact same thing over and over again
Practice variability
KNOW: Practice variability can be in the variety of movement or variety of context
What two things make up variety of context? (makes up part of practice variability)
Regulatory conditions: Can be regulated by the invididual or by the coach or whoever is giving feedback
Non-regulatory conditions - things in the environment that make noise that you don’t have control over
Variety of context is a subset of practice variability. What two things make up variety of context? and what are they
Regulatory conditions: things in the environment regulated by the individual/coach
Non-regulatory conditions - things we have no contorl over in the environment
Other people make noise in the environment and it distracts your client. Is that a regulatory condition or a non regulatory condition?
Non regulatory - you had no control over it
What happens to regulatory conditions in a closed skill?
The regulatory conditions remain the same
If were doing one skill over and over what are the regulatory conditions?
Closed, they stay the same
What are the regulatory conditions on a server hitting the ball to the same spot over and over?
In an open skill does the environment change?
No, but the skill itself changes
Do the regulatory conditions change in an open skill?
If a server is serving to different areas is it an open or closed skill? has the regulatory conditions changed
Open skill
rgulatory condition of the movement has changed because they have to change their body position or how they strike the ball
A server is serving to the same spot over and over. Is that an open or closed skill?
KNOW: In an open skill the server is severing to multiple different places
The variety of movement is changing because they are changing spots
The variety of context is chagnging depending on where you’re aiming the ball
Closed skill = when server is always aiming for the same spot
There is no varity of movement because they are always in the same spot
There is not variety of context because they are always aiming for the same spot
* This is a controlled regulatory environment
Same position always aiming for the same spot = closed skill
KNOW: If we randomize where the person is aiming for w/ the serve we have some movement variability and we have some context variability (if we dont let the person pick)
KNOW: If you’re telling the server where to serve randomly (do 1 then do 6 do 3) we are changing the regulatory environment of the context
memory and performance disruption that results from performing multiple skills or variations of the skill within the context of practice
How quickly we change up the practice, we change the context, (closed vs open skill then in that open skill how many variabilltys were changing at once) can create _______
contextual intereference
If you change up skill to fast and the person can’t comprehind what they’re doing you have contextual interference
Make sure you’re creating practice variability - the person just must be ready for it
What is motor skill learning that is influenced by practice condition charcteristics, especially the sensory/perceptual information available, performance context charcteristics, and cogntitve processes involved
practice is specific to what you want the outcome to be
Practice specificity
KNOW: Practice is impacted by the variability in movement and variability in context