Lecture 1 (ML) Flashcards
to not suck
What are activities or tasks that require voluntary control over movements of the joints and body segments to achieve a goal
Motor Skill (think walking)
Think of it as voluntary movement with a purpose
Activity or task that has a specific purpose or goal to achieve
What are 3 things that every skill has
Degree of compentence (you’ve done it before)
Capacity to perform (someone without arms cannot dribble a basketball)
Efficiency when performing an activity or task
What is acquisition, enhancement, reacquisition of a motor skill?
Motor learning
Get the skill enhance it reget it but better
enhance = tweak and improve
Activation and coordination of muscles and limbs involved in the performance of a motor skill
Motor control
This is activiating everything that needs to be activate effecicently
How growth and maturation influence changes in motor behavior
Motor development
Babys mature and continue maturing until they get old
So its not just babys turning into adults, but adults also turning into elderly (so eventually it develops in a degenerative kind of way)
Why does motor control change w/ aging?
Motor control is the activation and coordination of msucles and limbs involved in the performance of a motor skill
As we age we lose myelination / efficency so our motor contorl decreases
What happens to motor control w/ maturity (going from baby to teenager)
It increases
The activation / coordination of muscles and limbs involved in the performance of a motor skill increases
What three major catgories affect the motor skill perforamance?
Motor skill = activities or tasks that require voluntary control over movements of the joints and body segments to achieve a goal
1) performance environment (amount of space, weather, # of people around etc.)
2) The Skill itself (difficulty level,)
3) The person (age, cognition, motor capibilities, stress)
KNOW: Motor skill = Motor action
Every motor skill must have a reason to be used (goal to achieve)
Every motor skill must be performed voluntarily (not reflexive)
Must require movements of joints / body segments
Must be learned or relearned (because its a skill)
What is specific patterns of motion among joints and body segments?
You can take a motor skill and break it down into its individual _________
KNOW: Walking is a skill and is made up of many different movements
Can many movement patterns acomplish the same skill?
Think about walking, there can be many different ways to do it (think about all the disabilities)
Is there one perfect way to move?
Is neurplasticity a positive or negative thing
Damage to brain = bad neuroplasticity
Rewiring that damage = good neuroplasticity
Give an example of a motor skill
Throwing, locomotion, sit to stand
Any voluntary motor movement w/ a purpose (specific goal)
Compare and contrast feedforward vs Feedback
Feedforward: The anticipation of wahts about to come
Feedback: reacting to whats just happened
If were moving from the front of the room to the back of the room and the room is empty do we have more feedforward or feedback?
Feedback (because we don’t need much anticiptory)
- if the environment is stable you don’t need to worry about making adjustments to whats around you as much
Do we need more feedforward or feedback when moving in a crowded mall?
Feedforward - we need to be able to anticipate people coming and dodge them
Awarness of where the body is in space is
VOR is
stabilization of gaze
When throwing a large object to a friend do we need more or less vision, propriception, environmental awanress / thing were standing on?
Because the bigger object is harder to throw all of those things are going to have a bigger impact on how accurately its thrown
Do you need more VOR for launching a baseball into space or throwing it to your friend?
To friend (need more stabilization of gaze when aiming)
When drinking water do we use more feedforward or feedback?
feedforward (anticipatory) because we don’t want to dump it on ourselves
When standing up from a moving bus do we need more feedfoward or feedback?
Theres no way to anticipate it if its moving so you’re going to need to correct yourself if thrown off balance
Define gross motor skills
Things only involving larger muscles (think walking / sit to stand etc.)
Define fine motor skill
Things that use small muscles
(typing, texting)
Is throwing a baseball a fine motor skill or a gross motor skill?
Fine = grip
Gross = the arm movement to throw it / leg stance
Define continous motor skills
Give examples
Things with random beginning and ends
Steering a car, walking, swimming
Often are random movements
Define discrete movements. give examples
Things with very specific beginnings and very specific ends
Turning on a light switch, hitting a piano key
Single movement not a repetitive movement
Are repeptive movements discrete or continuous
continuous (think swimming) - very random stop and start