Lecture 25 Asteridae: Lamiids: Solanaceae and Lamiaceae Flashcards
Subclass Asteridae
Order solanales
Family Solanaceae
(potato family)
within Lamiids
Order Lamiales
Family Lamiaceae
mint family
within Lamiids
important families in Order Solanales
5 families :
Convolvulaceae (morning glory, sweet potato)
Solanaceae (nightshade)
Family Solanaceae
2,950 species, 94 genera
Flowers perfect, actinomorphic, hypgenous
Chinese Lantern
stamens epipetalous (adnate to corrola)
attached to corrolla
Terminal pores
anthers dihesce by these in Solanaceae
Floral Formula Solanaceae

Solanaceae fruit
typically a berry –tomato
sometimes a capsule
Economically important Solanaceae (need to know)
Most species are poisonous
ground cherry
paprika, cayenne, chili, bell pepper, pimento
spices are the fruit (berries) of these species
The potato
native to Andes of South America
fungal blight of 1845 in Ireland .5 million dead
The tomato
native to South America, cultivated in mexico
Most common ornimental plant of Solanaceae
(Physalis and Solanum petunias are native to Indiana)
important families in Order Lamiales
Lamiaceae (sage, rosemary, thyme, savory, oregano, basil, spearmint)
Oleaceae —olives
Verbenaceae —verbena
Pedaliaceae —sesame
Scrophulariaceae –figwort
Orobanchaceae (broomrape)
Bigoniaceae (catalpa and trumpet creeper)
Lentibulariaceae (bladderwort)
Antirrhinum (snapdragon)
Gesneriaceae (African Violet)
Family Lamiaceae
Mint family (Lamiaceae) also calld Labiatae (like labia) because of its zygomorphic lips of its flower
6,700 species and 250 genera
stem usually square
leaves opposite, simple, lacking stipules
commonly produce ethereal oils
Flowers hypogenous, perfect, Zygomorphic
Flowers apparent in false whorls (verticils)
flowers of Lamiaceae
Inflorescence –axillary cymes
stamens epipetalous, frequently staminoid (vestigial)
whorl or circular arrangement of similar parts around an axis along upper stem in axils or bracts
Floral Formula of Lamiaceae

Fruit of Lamiaceae
Drupe with 4 pyrenes or 4 1 seeded nutlets
Genus Salvia
Pollination of Lamiaceae (Labiatae, lips)
Insects seeking nectar land on nectafarious disk at base of ovary
Insect thrusts head into throat of corrolla and pushes on sterile anther, pivoting it upward
fertile half of anther pivots downward despositing pollen
Pollen contacts stigma when going to next flower
Economically valuable Lamiaceae (need to know)
sage, rosemary, thyme, oregano, marjoram, basil, savory, spearmint, peppermint (sterile hybrid of spearmint)
ppl don’t eat: catnip, carpet bugle, gill-over-the-ground, mint, heal-all (prunella)
wood-mint, water-horehound, bee-balm, mountain-mint, skullcap, germander
Economically important solonales (need to know)
Cacao–Malvaceae s.l.: —therobromine in chocolate
Cola–Malvaceae s.l. —caffine
henbane, belladonna, mandrake–solanaceae
Alkaloids of solanaceae
muscle spasms and used in psychiatry, increase heartrate so used for cardiac problems, infections, UTI , parkinsons
tropane alkaloids from belladonna, uised to dialate eyes (pretty woman) now used in eye exams
Alkaloids helpful with nerve gas poisoning
palyed a role in Hamlet and Romeo&juliet
used as murderous poisons and as recreational drugs! What a fun family.

Lamiaceae, mint family, zygomorphic, hypogynous, perfect

epipetalous, perfect, actinomorphic, hypogynous