Lecture 22? Flashcards
What values are north america based on?
Protestant work ethic
● Hard work, self-denial, and the avoidance of idleness
What is the big pushed idea in North America?
Productivity gives people meaning
What has shifted in emphasis in North America?
Shift of emphasis from industry and achievement to personal growth
● The concern for work had been superseded by the concern for leisure
Lottery question: Would you continue to work if you inherited enough money to
live comfortably without working?
Important findings?
Less people saying they would still work
Women were more likely to state that they would discontinue working if it became financially unnecessary
Rationalization as a way of solving problems is thinking based on four factors, explain them:
● Predictability: things that can be repeated with the expectation of the same result.
● Calculability: things that can be quantified and counted.
● Efficiency: the best means to a given end.
● Control: the enhanced certainty of some outcome
What are the benefits of a rationalized world?
we tend to live longer and happier lives.
What are the downsides of a rationalized world?
disenchantment of the world also entailed people becoming more disillusioned with it due to its meaninglessness.
What is the McDonaldization of Society?
Efficiency above all
Quantifying everything (rating / ranking everything)
What does George Ritzer mean by Irrationality of rationality? (McDonaldization of society)
“Efficiency” creates waste and poor health
● Transfer of burden to costumers and cuts on labour
What are Commodities and commodification?
Commodities: products that have some monetary value
● E.g., standardized, mass-produced by many different producers
● Commodification: the transformation of what is normally a non-commodity
Who/what holds society together?
Organic / Mechanical
Durkheim: mechanical solidarity in earlier human societies and organic in modern human societies.
Durkheim felt a society’s division of labour determined whether it was built on mechanical or organic solidarity.
What is Division of labour?
the degree by which labour is specialized according to specific and distinct tasks.
● A complex division of labour is an efficient and cheap way of making products
What is Scientific Management / Taylorism
● Applies scientific principles and methods to managing workers.
● Dedicated to rationalizing work and making it more efficient by dividing it into increasingly smaller and smaller tasks.
● These principles have been applied in a wide variety of manufacturing contexts.
Henry Ford practiced two main principles of Taylorism, what are they?
● The standardization of products using moulds that unskilled labour could use to make the same product over and over again.
● The use of specialized equipment that any worker can use to make the products.
What are the benefits & drawbacks of Scientific Management / Taylorism?
● Increased efficiency
● Increased productivity
● Worker dissatisfaction with the work
● Worker dissatisfaction with the management
What is Automation in Taylorism?
when operating equipment is run with
minimal or reduced human activity.
● Saves labour and helps improve the quality and precision of the labour process.
● Can also lead to job loss and changes the nature of the work for those on the assembly line.