Lecture 21 Flashcards
What is a Schooled society?
refers to ways in which the education
system has fundamentally changed in modern society
Which people have highest income?
more educated person has the higher income
High income benefits government cuz they collect it with taxes
How is Canada a schooled society?
A growth in modern schooling in Canada, particularly mass enrolment in post-secondary education.
● Schooling has become increasingly important to modern life.
● The forms and function of education are increasing and diversifying in our modern schooled society.
Is Canada high on university acheivement?
Canada has a larger share of the
population with a college or university
credential than any other country in the
G7. (Only beaten by Korea)
How has Schooling become integral to modern life?
Higher incomes for college graduates on average (Also earn more as you get older)
What is a potential exception to higher schooling = more money?
Starting salary for teacher in QC 44,368$ / Construction labourer salary in QC 45,956 $
- Feminized jobs earn less
In US how are rates of unemployment different by education lvl?
Less likely to be unemployed
In the USA the rates of unemployment are twice as high for high school graduates as they are for college graduates
What do schools do?
● Schools provide basic skill sets such as reading, writing and arithmetics
● Schools are expected to teach topics such as media literacy and environmental responsibility.
● Modern schools are seen as a way to solve a myriad of social problems.
● ex. French immersion and Mandarin immersion
What is the main function of education?
Schooling prepares students (youth) for adult life in a particular society
● Imparting values (e.g. individualism, patriotism)
(Function of School)
a) Manifest (primary) functions
Socialization, social control, social placement
(Function of School)
b) Latent functions –
ex. Courtship
What does Durkheim say about Socialization in education?
Durkheim: education is central to creation of organic solidarity
● Education socializes children into the
mainstream so society successfully
reproduces itself.
● This is because education offers moral
learning in which students learn the norms
and values of their society so they learn to fit in
What does Max Weber say the function of education is?
● The rise of rationalization in society
● Development of bureaucracies
● Sorting, differentially rewarding, and certifying graduates of elementary, secondary, and post-secondary schools
The prototype of rationalization in modern
society is referred to as______?
What is bureaucracy?
Effectively machines made from
● For-profit bureaucracies and not- for-profit bureaucracies rose to prominence in the 20th century
According to Weber, bureaucracies
have six core features
- Based on hierarchically organized
“offices” - Vertical chain of command
- Clear division of labour
- Dominated by technical qualifications
- Impersonal decision-making
- Staffed by fulltime, salaried employees
(Technique of sorting)
What is Credentialling?
The attestation of a qualification or competence issued to an individual by a party with authority to do so, such as a university.
● High-status groups maintain their social position by acquiring more education and credentials and keeping others out of these routes to upward mobility
What is Legitimation the Egerton Ryerson perspective on education?
a free and compulsory universal school system
Education could assimilate these “alien” labourers into the dominant Protestant culture (worried about irish)