Lecture 20 Flashcards
How is the family defined?
Socially conditioned rules for thinking
about family relationships
What is the family?
Kinship Systems
How are relatives different in each culture?
The rights and responsibilities
associated with different types of
relatives differ from place to place
- How do we define which relative we are close to? Do I skip aunts wedding for 5th cousins?
Central issues in every culture (family)?
Who can we marry ? Whom we owe
respect ?
What Is the Family defined as?
Families are groups of people related by birth, affinity or cohabitation.
● Definitions of what constitutes a family have changed over time.
● Family household generally refers to a group of people who share a relationship by blood, marriage or legal adoption
living together.
What do Kinship
Matrilineal/Patrilineal Societies determine?
Several generations living in the same arrangment, are they from moms side or dads side
What is the Nuclear Family?
● All of the eggs in one basket
● Financial relations, intimacy, sexuality, child-rearing
● Very intense relations between two generations (parent - child)
How are family structures changing over time?
● Families in Canada are going through significant changes
● These changes reflect changing norms and expectations surrounding the family, marriage, and children.
What is Deinstitutionalization of Marriage?
rules and norms around marriage are changing, and people are more critical of marriage’s role in society
Explain the five main ways marriage is becoming deinstitutionalized?
- Fewer people are getting married, choosing instead to remain single or cohabitate
- role individuals in couples play in modern society are increasingly questioned.
● We no longer assume men are the breadwinners and women stay at home. - Norms surrounding children are changing.
● In the past having children in a marriage was the only acceptable route to parenting.
● Today, many people are single parents and many unmarried couples have children - Rise in divorce rates .
● Individuals are choosing to leave bad marriages if necessary (also less religious pressure) - Diversity in forms of marriage are rising.
● There has been a rise in marriage between couples of different ethnic, class, and religious backgrounds (+ gay marriage)
What is the trend with marriage?
More common law and lone parent families
What is the trend in divorce rates?
Spike after no fault divorce, gradual falling now
What is divorce?
divorce is a legal process that ends a marriage. Therefore, divorce statistics do not cover the separations of married couples nor the dissolutions of common-law couples.
● Most married couples separate before filing for divorce, and some separated couples may never legally divorce
What are the Two key societal changes have contributed to the general decrease in the divorce rate observed
over the last three decades?
- Aging of the married population
- Lowered tendency to divorce among younger married adults in particular.
Why are younger people less likely to divorce?
A growing selectivity of marriage.
- Since less ppl marry, those who do might come from groups that value long lasting marriage