Lecture 17 Flashcards
What does Judith Butler say about term “performativity”?
A term to capture the idea that gender is created and sustained through interaction with others.
● Labelling individuals as male or female restricts their identity development.
● Pushes us to see gender and sexuality in terms of a continuum
What is Hegemonic masculinity?
● Ideal standard of masculinity that is used to justify all the ways our society is organized to reinforce the leading role of men.
● Hegemonic masculinity institutionalizes the common-sense idea that women and men are different and unequal
What are “Costs of masculinity”?
Refers to how ideas about normal masculinity are harmful to men.
● Men who step outside the norms face a variety of sanctions.
● Men who perform feminine jobs sometimes must deal with their masculinity being questioned.
● Gendered insults and insults about a man’s sexuality might be used to make men feel inferior.
What is the “Manosphere”?
men’s groups operating on the internet and offline
What do manosphere influencers say about gender?
assert the idea that men are naturally dominant
Biology and evolution are used to argue that restrictive gender norms are “natural.
Who does the manosphere target?
recruits vulnerable young men.
Male supremacists groom and recruit new followers online, including on bodybuilding forums and gaming livestreams
How are sports gendered?
On the micro level, the language used in sport is gendered. (Ex. Defensemen)
● On a macro level, sports are unequal in terms of everything from pay to
brand marketing.
What is the deal with cheerleaders?
- Generally feminine
- Not just with women, they must behave femininely
- Smile a certain way
Used to be:
- All men (emphasize strength)
Changed: Men went to war, came back and saw women feminized it (didn’t want it anymore)
- As it’s feminized: Move away from physical impressiveness and more to decorative
What organizes the division of labour?
How was / (arguably) is the public / private sphere split?
*Division between the:
masculine “public sphere” of politics economics and law
feminine “private sphere” of domestic
and family work
*Despite advances and gains in equality,
gender continues to structure division of
How did women entering the labour force change the institution?
Changing norms about the role of
women in the labour market
● A greater need for two incomes in
increased participation in work is coupled with inequality in terms of:
(3 things)
● What men and women earn
● The types of jobs they have
● The household tasks they do
Work is gendered in two main ways:
● Gender concentration in specific kinds of
● Gendered-meaning in the definition of work
Which jobs are women concentrated in?
Women concentrated in female-typed, lower-earning jobs
● Gender composition of an
occupation is associated with pay
What is Horizontal segregation?
Women do less valued jobs (diff types)
caring or nurturing – so service and care jobs