Lecture 2: Secondary Assessment Flashcards
What is the order of areas you palpate?
Head. (back of skull first) Face Neck C-Spine Neck soft tissue Chest (sternum) rib Abdomen (divide in 4 quadrants, expose) Pelvis (compress) Lower back • Leg#1 • Leg #1 PMSC • Leg#2 • Leg #2 PMSC • Arm#1 • Arm #1 PMSC • Arm#2 • Arm #2 PMSC
Do you palpate what you can see first or what you cant see? and why
WHAT YOU CANT SEE FIRST to check for blood
What does the secondary assessment assess?
Signs of potential injuries that if left untreated in next minutes to hours would cause death or disability
What are the things youre looking for in a secondary assessment
Deformation, contusions, abrasions, punctures, burns, tenderness, lacerations, swelling
True or false and why: throughout the exam you must check the facial expressions of the athlete?
True, to check for any signs of discomfort
If an injury is found do you stop the assessment to treat it?>
No , you take note and treat it after the assessment is done to ensure you dont miss somehhing more crucial
When you are treating an area do you have to expose it ?
In which of these positions do you NOT have to do trauma jaw thrust?
*Supine athlete
• Semi-prone athlete
• Prone athlete
semi prone and prone
What does SAMPLE stand for and how do you obtain it>?
S= signs and symptoms A=allergies M=medications P= past med history in the last 6 months L=last intake E= events leading up to injury
Obtain it through medical forms and coaches/teamamtes if unconcious
What are the pain questions and describe them
OPQRST o=onset (sudden or not) p=provoke (what makes it better what makes it worse q= quality (describe pain) r= radiate (does it spread) s= severity t= time (when did it happen)
True or false: you can obtain OPQRST if the patient is unconcious?
If athlete has a medical condition, when do you take vitals>
You take vitals right after primary assessment
What is the order of treatment and describe them
DEFG d=disabilities (spine, concussion, intracranial lesion) E=epithelial (bleeds, cuts, burns) f= fractures (open or closed) g=sprains, strains, everything else
What is the purpose of the first set of vitals? the second set of vitals?
1st: establish a baseline
2nd: cmopare to baseline and see status of patient
What are some of the different ways of transport off the field?
Spinal board Walk assist Carry Wheel chair Cart
When do you take the 3rd set of vitals
After the transport off the field (15-20 minutes after intervention)
how do you report to the EMT?
- Present yourself and qualifications
- give a narrative report and field impression
- brielfly describe treatment and responsive
- give vitals and meds and allergies
What is the acronym to reporting to EMT and explain it
A= age and name t= time m= MOI i=injuries s= signs and symptoms t= treatment
What are some essential things you can give to an emt>
photocopy of the athlete’s medical form • the vitals you took • photocopy of the SCAT5 assessment • RAMQ card • Athlete’s meds • Any other pertinent info or objects
What should you not forget after EMT takes over?
- which hospital going to
- Material exchange
- ambulance #
- What can be better
- thank you
What are the general intervention steps ?
- Scene survey & approach • Head stabilization • Primary assessment UABCd/UCABd • Secondary assessment • Vitals (baseline) • Treatment DEFG • Vitals (2nd set) • Transport off field • Vitals (3rd set) • Report to EMT