Lecture 2 - Locomotion Flashcards
movement in which an animal changes its place and position in search of food, partners, protection, and suitable environment in response to stimulus
only life forms that have muscles
what are the locomotory organelles of unicellular orgainsms
- cilia
- flagella
- pseudopodia
specialized contractile tissues that are unique to the animal kingdom
Properties of muscle fibers
- excitability
- contractility
- extensibility
- elasticity
proteins that participate in the function of muscles
- actin
- myosin
What are the locomotory organelles in protozoans
- pseudopodia
- cilia
- flagella
- pellicular contractile structures
- structures observed on certain unicellular organisms and some animal cells that function as a way of locomotion and a way to capture and engulf food
- extrusion of cytoplasm
- not permanent
where are pseudopodia observed
in “naked protozoans”
protozoans that do not have a definite pellicle
naked protozoans
- The outer surface layer of some protozoa
- sufficiently rigid to maintain a distinctive shape, as in the trypanosomes and Giardia
Two areas of the cytoplasm of protozoans
- Ectoplasm
- Endoplasm
pseudopodia are mainly formed by what area of cytoplasm
Different types of Pseudopodia
- Lobopodia
- Reticulopodia
- Filopodia
- Axopodia
- broad, lobe-like, sometimes branched, with rounded tips
- consists of both ectoplasm and endoplasm
- can project in different directions
- exhibited by amoeba
- movement is by pressure flow mechanism
protozoan representative of lobopodia
movement mechanism of lobopodia
pressure flow mechanism
shape of lobopodia
- broad, lobe-like
- sometimes branched
- rounded tips
composition of lobopodia
- ectoplasm
- endoplasm
- thread-like hyaline projections
- pointed tips
- radiate from the body in all directions
- unlike lobopodia, it is composed only of ectoplasm
- filamentous in nature
- taper from base to tip
shape of filopodia
- thread-like hyaline projections
- pointed tips
composition of filopodia
ectoplasm only
protozoan representative of filopodia
- complex networks of anastomose branching
- filamentous
- exhibit a two way flow of their cytoplasm
shape of reticulopodia
- anastomose branching
- filaments are branched and interconnected
purpose of anastomose branching of reticulopodia
useful in food capture
flow of cytoplasm in reticulopodia
two way flow
protozoan representative of reticulopodia
- spine-like radiating the surface of rounded body
- composed of outer cytoplasm
what does the outer cytoplasm in axopodia cover
axial rods
protozoan representative of axopodia
fine, delicate, and thread-like/ hair-like extension of the protoplasm that allow cells to move
composition of flagella
what surrounds the axoneme
protoplasmic sheath
axoneme consists of what?
two longitudinal fibrils
protoplasmic sheath contains of what?
nine duplets of longitudinal fibrils
microtubule arrangement of flagella
9+2 arrangement
where do the microtubules in flagella lie
very dense cytoplasm
flagellar appendages or flagellar hairs (flimmer) that are only found on the flagella of protists
Different types of flagella based on their mastigonemes
- Stichonematic
- Pantonematic
- Acronematic
- Pantacronematic
- Anematic
mastigonemes are present on one side of the flagellum
Example of protozoa that is stichonematic
- Euglena
- Astasia
Two or more rows of mastigonemes are present on both sides of the flagellum.
Example of protozoa that is pantonematic
- Peranema
- Monas
The mastigonemes are absent and the distal ends of the flagellum end as a terminal, naked, axial filament
Example of protozoa that is acronematic
The mastigonemes are present on 2 rows on the lateral sides of the flagellum but the flagellum ends in a terminal, naked, axial filamen
Example of protozoa that is pantachronematic
The flagellum is simple without mastigonemes and/or terminal naked filament are absent.
Example of protozoa that is anematic
mostly, where does the flagella originate
anterior end
species that have its flagella originate on the posterior end
- reatively much shorter when compared to the size of the body
- more in number and cover the entire body
- move in different way from those of the flagella
cytoplasm composition of cilia
where do cilia arise from
blepharoplast or basal body
where is the basal body located
deep inside the cytoplasm
Different ciliary arrangements
- undulating membranes
- membranelles
- cirri
- thin, transparent sheet like flaps
- usually found in the buccal cavity (mouth part)
- made up of one or more longitudinal rows of cilia
undulating membranes
undulating membranes are made up of what type of rows
longitudal rows of cilia
motion of undulating membranes
scoop for food
- paddle-like stucture
- arranged in spiral rows in the peristomial area
- fusion of two or more transverse rows of cilia
- edges remain free
- make powerful sweeping action
the region around the mouth in various invertebrates
peristomial area
membranelles are made up of what type of rows
transverse rows
action of membranelles
powerful sweeping action
- fusion of two or three rows of cilia
- found on ventral surface
- move in all direction
- help in crawling or swimming movement
- tactile organs
where is the cirri found
ventral surface
motion of cirri
crawling or swimming
other function of cirri
tactile or sensory
- contractile structure found in some eukaryotic single-celled organisms
- consist of series of protein filaments that shorten rapidly upon exposure to calcium
- form grooves or ridges across the body of the protist
pellicular contractile structures
- myoneme or
- spasmoneme
Several modes of motion observed in myonemes
- ameboid movement
- flagellar
- cilia
- metabolic movement
- hydrostatic movement
- induced by converting the viscosity or rigidity of the protoplasm within the cell in certain unicellular organisms’ movement is
- This is of importance in understanding how the amoeba moves.
sol-gel theory
Common example of protozoans that have ameboid movement
what year was the sol gel theory proposed
where is the protoplasm pushed toward during ameboid movement
advancing end
where does the pseudopodia formation depends upon
contraction of plasmagel
- specialized outer gel-like cytoplasm of living cell that move by extruding part of the cell (known as a pseudopodium) in the direction of motion
- forms the outer layer of the cytoplasm is thick, less in quantity, non-granular, transparent and contractile
- inner layer of the cytoplasm is more in quantity, less viscous, fluid like, more granular and opaque
- central elongated fluid portion of the amoeba
clear region next to the cell surface membrane which is enlarged at the tip of the pseudopod
hyaline cap
these are bulb like extension which is present in the posterior part of the amoeba
- zone near the hyaline cap
- where sol transforms into gel
zone of gelation
- zone near the uroid
- where gel transforms into sol
zone of solation
state of proteins in the plasmosol
folded state
state of proteins in the plasmagel
unfolded state
Elastic strength of plasmagel from highest to lowest
- Sides
- Trailing end
- Advancing end
attached to the substratum when the amoeba is moving
causes the swimming motion of the amoeba
- flagella
- cilia
- highly vibratile structure
- form lashing movement
- some rowing action, some undulating action
Several theories of the flagellar movement
- Paddle stroke movement
- Undulating Motion
- Simple conical gyration
common movement of a flagellum is sideways lash, consisting of an effective down stroke and a relaxed recovery stroke
paddle stroke
Different strokes in the paddle stroke movement or sidewash lash movement
- Effective stroke
- Recovery stroke
- flagellum becomes rigid and starts bending against the water
- This beating in water at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the body causes the organism to move forward
Effective stroke
what happens in the flagella during effective stroke
- rigid, bending against water
- beating at right angles to longitudinal axis
- cause organism to move forward
- flagellum becomes comparatively soft and will be less resistant to the water
- helps the flagellum move backwards and then to the original position.
Recovery stroke
what happens in the flagella during recovery stroke
- becomes soft, less resistsant to water
- cause organism to move backwards
wave-like movement in flagellum, proceed from tip to base and from base to tip
undulating motion
Undulation from the base to the tip
pushing force, pushes organism backwards
Undulation from the tip to the base
pulling force, pull organism forward
- this kind of movement the flagellum turns like a screw.
- propelling action pulls the organism forward through the water with a spiral rotation around the axis of movement and gyration on its own.
simple conical gyration
author of the screw theory of flagella
two forces created in the screw theory movement
- parallel to main axis, drive animal to move forward
- right angle to main axis, rotate animal on its own axis
Just like the flagellum, it also shows back and forth movements during the locomotion
ciliary movement
two types of stroke in ciliary movement
- effective stroke
- recovery stroke
cilium bends and beats agains water bringing the body forward and sending the water backwards
effective stroke
cilium comes back to original position by backward movement without any resistance
recovery stroke
Two types of coordinated rhythms in ciliary movement
- Synchronous rhythm
- Metachronous rhythm
cilia beats simultaneously in a transverse row
synchronous rhythm
- cilia beat one after another in a longitudinal row
- wave pass from anterior to posterior end
metachronous rhythm
coordinates the ciliary movement
where is the motorium present
near the cytopharynx
fastest locomotion in protozoans
ciliary movement
example of protozoa that has ciliary movement
- gliding movement by the myonemes
- typical of certain flagellates and sporozoans at certain life cycle stages
- show gliding or wriggling of peristaltic movement
- also known as gregarine movement
metabolic movement
other term for metabolic movement
gregarine movement
contractile fibrils which are similar to the myofibrils
who has metabolic movement or gliding movement
- flagellates
- Sporozoans
- Cnidospora
- some ciliates
movements seen in metabolic movement
- gliding
- wriggling
- peristaltic movement
transmiter of the metabolic movement
contraction of myofibrils are anchored in hydrostatic skeleton
hydrostatic movement
- skeleton formed by a fluid-filled compartment within the body, called the coelom
- can be used by the organism to modify its shape
hydrostatic skeleton
fluid-filled body cavity of an animal that contains the internal organs
where did the tissue layer lining the coelom come from
fluid equivalent to blood in most invertebrates, occupying the hemocoel
where is the hemolymph found
what type of fluid is the hemolymph
Incompressible fluid
fluids with constant density
Incompressible fluid
example of phyla that have hydrostatic skeleton
- Cnidaria
- Annelida
- Echinoderms
stiff structure resembling a hair or a bristle, especially in an invertebrate
movement of the hydrostatic movement
peristaltic movement
what closes in the Annelids that causes it to move
muscles in animals with hydrostatic movement
- circular muscles
- longitudinal muscles
relationship between circular and longitudinal muscles
antagonistic muscles
what happens in an antagonistic muscle pair
as one muscle contracts the other muscle relaxes or lengthens
muscle that is contracting
muscle that is relaxing or lengthening
what happens to the setae when there is pressure
what is the function of the setae once projected