Lecture 2: Global Drivers & Role of Animals in Economy & Society (Exam 1) Flashcards
What does LMU one health model include
- Environment
- Human health
- Animal health
- Social determinates
What did the AVMA 20/20 commission say about US vets role in a global context
- Internationally
- Global health
- Trade
- Food safety & security
- Education
What caused interconnectivity of economies
Globalization was the trend towards economies that also impacted societies & cultures
List some economic interdependence
- Multi-national corporations
- Interconnected banking
- Linked currencies
T/F: What happens in one country can impact another country
What are the new emerging powers causing a power shift?
- The BRIIC: Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, & China
- Russia has had a decrease in power after ukraine attacks
What is the demographic trends of population growth
- Pretty predictable
- Developing countries young population & continued high birthrates
What does the mathusian theory of 1798 state
- The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man that premature death must in some shape of the other visit the human race
- Summary: reproductive capability for humans increases the population faster than the ability to produce crops & food for people
- At some point in time it may be challenging to feed the population
Explain an example where there is young populations - developing nations
- Niger
- Way more younger people (less than 20) than older
- More new population than there is now
List an example of aging populations developed
- Japan
- Not enough children to fill the work forces that is there right now
- (not enough new population to fill the population that is there rn)
Describe the US demographics
- Includes immigration
- Starting to look slightly like japan
- More work force jobs there right now than the amount of young children (not enough new population to fill the population that is there rn)
- W/o immigrants the US would look more like japan than it does
What is urbanization
Movement to cities from rural area
How many cities in the US have more than a million people living in them
538 cities
What percent of people will be living in urban countries by 2050? How many people live urban countries now?
- 2050: 70%
- Now: 56%
T/F: There is movement of the population to cities instead of rural areas
How many megacities are there? How many people
- 35 megacities
- 10+ million
What are some urbanization public health issues
- Pollution
- Poverty
- Healthcare
- Emerging infections
What are some technology advancements that can impact the globe
- Computers/internet
- AI
- Communications
- Robotics
- Nanotechnology
- Alternative power
What is a sharing economy
- You don’t own the service that you need, you borrow it
- Is considered a technology impact
- EX. Air bnb, netflix, uber
How was LMU CVM apart of the sharing economy
- We don’t have our own hospital
- We go around to different communities to see actual daily cases
What are some bio technology advancements in vet med
- Genetically modified organisms (livestock)
- Grains
- Genomics
- Proteomics
- Cloning
- Advance pharmaceuticals
T/F: There is a decrease in emerging & re-emerging diseases
False there is an increase
How many new disease have popped up from 1940 to 2004? What percent of them are zoonotic?
- 335
- 70% (72% wildlife)
Give examples of emerging diseases
- HIV/AIds
- Monkey pox
- Swine flu
- Nipah virus
- West nile virus
How has global disease transmission changed
- Disease can spread anywhere in 24 H
- No matter how remote of an area you are, once an animal or human travels w/ a disease it is going to spread
Explain COVID-19 & Wet Market
- Women only wore smocks while at chicken markets
- Disease jumped on to close and eventually spread to the US
What environmental trends are happening due to climate change
- More desertification of areas
- Tropical diseases
What resources are diminishing? Why are they diminishing
- Water
- Hydrocarbon fuel
- Arable land
- Due to the increasing population & pollution
What are some governance & conflict/terrorism changes occurring
- More non state actors
- Social, religious, & ethnic boundaries crossing current political boundaries b/c of various philosophies (ex. Iraq northern kurds & turkish kurds ID w/ their culture not their country)
- More failed & failing states
- More irregular warfare than regular welfare
- Mores transnational crime & drug trafficking
- Russia attacking ukraine
- Israel & hamas
What is a nation states
- Places like the US
- Countries/nations that are ruled internally by themselves
- Have set laws & maintain there own laws
What are non stat actors
- Groups that are affiliated often through ideology & they don’t have a country themselves
- Ex. Goza AKA hamas is not a country
- Work outside of a country & don’t have set laws
What are the food sources considered globally
- Domestic animals meat
- Milk
- Eggs
- Blood
- Wild animals meat
- Fish
- Blood
- Honey
What animals are used as fiber sources
- Goats
- Yaks
- Llamas
- Alpacas
- Camels
What animal products are used as clothing material
- Hides
- Fur
- Wool
- Hair
How are animals used for housing
- Hides of yaks & wild animals used to form shelter
- Dung & mu used to form houses
What animals are used for transportation? What do we move w/ animals
- Horses
- Donkeys
- Mules
- Burros
- Camels
- Llamas
- Yaks
- Water buffalo
- Move: People, produce, & supplies
What animal products are used for storage capacity
- Hides
- GI parts
How are animals used for farm power
- Power pulling plows
- Threshing grain
- Moving water
- Clearing land
How are animals used as labor
Elephants moving heavy things
How are animals used as fuel
- Dung from domestic animals is used for fuel for cooking & heating
- Fats, oils, & blubber are used as fuel
How many people across the planet burn dried animal dung for energy
More than 2 billion people
How are animals used for vector control
Dogs, cats, birds, & poultry control insects, rats, snakes, & other vermin
How are animals used as fertilizer
- Fecal material from animals used to increase productivity
- Fish & wildlife products used as nitrogen source
What parts of animals are used for lighting
- Fats
- Oils
- Blubber
What animals are used for security
- Dogs
- Geese
- Other animals
How do animals contribute to cash flow
- Wild & domestic animals used as cash flow
- Sales & barter of animals & animal products
- Use of animals as sporting or tourist attractions
How do animals contribute to investment
Domestic animals serve as future growth potential & reproductive potential for investment
How do animals contribute to savings
- Animals & products serve as savings against future requirements
- This is a liquid asset that is portable
- Animal products can be saved in the form of butter, cheese, dried meats, eggs, honey, tallow, hides, furs, & fiber
How do animals contribute to entertainment
- Sport
- Racing
- Fighting
- Hunting
- Rodeo type activities
T/F: Domestic & wild animals products are used as medicicines
How do animals contribute to decoration & culture
- Feathers
- Teeth
- Claws
- Bones
- Hides
- Furs
- Used for clothing, ceremony, music, & art
How do animals contribute to companionship/bonding
Animals serve as companions & people dev strong bonds w/ animals both livestock & companion animals
How do animals contribute to social status
Ownership of animals increases a persons social status in some countries (the more animals = the richer you are)
How do animals contribute to community well being
- Presence & ownership of livestock reinforces community well being
- Animals bringing good prices at the market (like the stock market)
- Presence & health of distinctive wildlife reflect community pride & well being (like endangered eagle coming off the endangered species)
How do animals. contribute to religion & culture
- Animism, reincarnation, & animal worship are common religious practices
- Many animals hold special places in beliefs & are considered sacred & symbolic
How do animals contribute to self identity
Farmers, ranchers, herdsmen, shepherds, fisherman, & nomads all identify closely w/ their culture & existence