Lecture 2 (DNA) Flashcards
what are the building blocks of DNA?
2- deoxyribose. The building block of DeoxyriboNucleic Acid
what are the building blocks of RNA?
Ribose. Building block of RiboNucleic Acid
Difference between a nucleioside vs. nucleiotide
Nucleioside does NOT have a phosphate group, its just a sugar + base
Nucleiotide functions
building blocks for DNA and RNA, energy metabolism and cellular signaling
General parts of a nucleiotide?
A phosphate group, pentose sugar and nitrogenous base
What are the 2 types of sugars and what are the differences between them?
Ribose and deoxyribose. Ribose: has OH at Carbon #2
deoxy (without an oxygen)
Purine vs. pyrimidine?
The purine = pyrimidine + 2 nitrogens + 1 carbon
General rule for naming a nucleiotide?
Nucleiotide = nucleioside + # of phosphates
What is a pyrophosphate?
The phosphate groups remaining after a phosphodiester bond is made
How is the pyrophosphate group broken?
By adding water (hydrolysis)
How is a pyrophosphate group made?
Adenosine vs. guanine?
Guanine, has same bonds as adenosine, except no right hat
How to number a pyrimidine?
Start at bottom nitrogen, go up to next nitrogen (counter clock)
How to number a purine?
Start at top nitrogen go clockwise
smaller ring, go counter clockwise
What groups does guanine have attached to it?
NH2 and O (double bonded)