lecture 2 commons Flashcards
hardin 1968 how do we deal overpopulation
-no tech solution
-stop the freedom to breed
hardin 1968 conclusion tradagy commons
to stop tradagy of the commons must stop over population
pop low = no harm
only way out socialism or gov ownership
Ostrom 1999 key view about tradagy of the commons
tradegy commons wrong not inevitable that they will be overexploited, more solution than gov ownership or sociasm.
ostrom 1999 what can instions do
restrict acess , create incentives invest recources, desighn effective property rights
norms cpr
-build trust
-not just free riding
-monitor each other
-authorities limit use
-users can enforce rules
people create rules - s
ostrom 1999 what does s resources depend on
-depend on recoue
-autonmy make decisions
-benfits saving outweigh cost
ostrom 1999 main challenges govern commons
-scale up problem
-loosing culture, more individualised
-accelerating rates change
-complication interlinked CPR
requirement unamnous decsion collective choice rules
-only one globe experiment resources
ostom 1999 conclusion tragedy commons
doesnt have to be if we learn from lesson past use communication and build trust.
define rules
generally agreed upon enforced prescription reuire, forbid , permit certian action
define right
particular action authorized
define property right
authority undertake paticular action related to specific domain
define access
right enter physically defined property
define withdrawal
right to obtain products resource
define management
right regulate internal use pattern transfrom recources and make improvements
define exlusion
right to determine who acess area
define alienation
right to sell or lease rights
schlanger and ostrom why defacto rights important -fishman
1) devise effective systems to stop overharvesting stop inefficient use recources
2) create operational rules match physical, economic, conditions area
3)reform wipe away effort local self regulation
4) local regulations beneficaries regulate costs= more efficient
schlanger ostrom 1992 what challanging rights
expansion tech, privatisation
adkikari 2021 how do local manage CPR
-creation formal and informal institutions
adkikari 2021 when does overexplotiation CPR occur
when open access and unregulated