Lecture 18 Flashcards
Where is acetylcholine released in the neuromuscular junction
motor end plate
What is another name for neuromuscular junction
• Also known as NMJ or
myoneural junction
where is the NMJ located
Site where an axon and
muscle fiber meet
What are the parts at NMJ
- Motor neuron
- Motor end plate
- Synapse
- Synaptic cleft
- Synaptic vesicles
- Neurotransmitters
What is the use of motor unit
• All muscle fibers controlled by motor neuron •As few as four fibers • As many as 1000’s of muscle fibers
How is the muscle stimulated to contract
• Acetylcholine (ACh) • Nerve impulse causes release of ACh from synaptic vesicles • ACh binds to ACh receptors on motor end plate • Generates a muscle impulse • Muscle impulse eventually reaches the SR and the cisternae
What are the muscle coverings
- Muscle coverings:
- Epimysium
- Perimysium
- Endomysium
Names of the muscles from the most surface layer to the smallest part of the muscle
Muscle > Fascicles > muscle fibers (cells) > myofibrills > thick and thin filaments
What are the thick and thin myofilaments made of
- Actin and myosin proteins
* Titin is an elastic myofilament
What is the triad in muscle fibers
• Cisternae of SR
• T tubule
What is sarcomere
the combination of myofilaments • I band (thin) • A band (thick and thin) • H zone (thick) • Z line (or disc) • M line
What is wrapping around the actin molecule like a DNA
What is the bulb attached to the tropomyosin
What is the protruding part of the myosin
What is the cross–bridges made of
the head of the myosin molecule with actin-binding site and myosin ATPase site