Lecture 17: Self I Flashcards
what is the self?
psychological, rather than physical
- multi-faceted construct– not just one thing, rly broad and general
- duality of self: self as object
what are the levels of self
brewer + gardner
- personal (individual) self= beliefs about private self
- relational self= self in context of interpersonal relationships (ex. intimate relationships)
- collective self= self in relation to group (ex. social identity theory)
duality of self?
- self as object that can be observed “me”= self concept
- self as agent doing observing= “i”= self-awareness
= shows identity
how does western culture define self
- value independence, uniqueness
- when you define yourself–> separate from others
= independent
how do asian cultures define self
- value interdependence, connectedness
- when you define yourself–> in terms of relationships to others
= interdependent
gender differences in defining interdependent self
- women= relational interdependence= focus more on their close relationships (ex. how they feel about their partner or child)
- men= collective interdependence= focus on membership in larger groups (ex. Australian, belong to cricket team)
variability can be seen in…
- within culture and gender differences
- diff types of self-views can be important within individual (bicultural individual)
how do we know who we are: introspection
- looking inward
- look at you own thoughts and feelings
- problem: we don’t always have access to our internal feelings, or their causes
how do we know who we are: introspection–> experiment 1
Nisbett + Wilson
- product evaluation: how much do you like product– all stockings were identical
- ps chose pair of stockings from display
- showed right hand bias= majority right handed, so drawn to R side
- don’t know reasons for our decisions
how do we know who we are: observing our beh
self perception theory (Bem)
- try to understand who we are from what we do– observing our beh
- likely to occur when:
- unsure of our attitudes + feelings
- attitudes + feelings are weak
- we chose beh freely
when we are observing our own beh, what do we ask ourselves?
is situation sufficient to explain beh?– situation made you do it
- if yes= beh due to external factors
- no= beh due to internal reasons= reveals something about self
how do we work out whether situation is sufficient to explain our behs?
ask ourselves: is beh freely chosen?
- intrinsic: do something cause you enjoy it
- extrinsic: do something cause of external rewards or pressures
- if intrinsic= infer feelings from beh
rewards decreases…
intrinsic motivation
- kids who were promised + received reward for drawing later showed less interest in drawing
how do we know who we are: introspection–> experiment 2
Wilson + Laser
“introspection” group (diary group)
- in diary recorded:
1. various factors that could influence mood– so like record if it was raining, if it was a monday, etc
2. rate your mood
- estimated extent to which various factors influenced their moods
“observer” group
- estimated extent to which various factors influence mood
results= observer group= just as accurate as introspection group
introspection= doesn’t lead to insight about causes of our moods