lecture 15/16: muscles of LE Flashcards
what muscuels make up the illiopsaos
psoas major and minor
where do they illiopsoas insert
lesser troc with a common tendon
what does illopsaos conctribute to
inrceased lordosis
what are the hip flexors
rectus fem
be able to locate the Hip flexors (sartorius, TFL, illipsays, recturs fem)
what are the hip extensors
glute max
hamstrings (biceps fem, semi tend and semi mem)
what is the primary hip extensor
glute max
where do the hamstrigns originate
ishial tub
bwe able to locate hip etensors (glute max and hamstrings)
what are the 6 lateral rotatotrs of the hip
piriformis superior gemullus obturator internus inf gemellus quadratis femoris obturator extoerners
where do all the lateral rotators insert
greater troc
what is another lateral rotator of the hip that is not part of the main
glute max
are the lateral rotators inferior or superior to glute min
inferior `
be able to locate lateral rotators of the hip
what are the three medial rotators of thehip
glute med
glute min
do glute med and glute min insert anteriorly or posterior on the greater troc?
be able to locate the 3 medial rotators
what are the main three fasical compartments of the thight
what makes up the anterior facisal compartment of the thight
quad fem and sartorius
what makes up the posterior fascial compartment of thigh
what makes up the medial fasical compartment of the thgih
what muscles make up the quad femoris group
rectus femoris
vastus lateralus
vastus medialis (vastus medialist oblique
vastus intermiedial
true or false, all the muscles of the quadraicep femoris cross the hip
only rectus femoris
what do the quadricep femoris all form together to form and where does it insert
the quadricep tendon and insert on the tibial tuberocity (patellar tendon and lig)
what is the main function of the quads
What is another name for sartorius
taylors msucle
what are the functions of the sartoris muscle
abductuc, lateral rotation and flexion of the hip and knee flexion
is the sartoris part of the anterior, posterial or medial compartment of the thgih
where does the sartorius ooriginate
be able to locate quads and sartorus
what msucles make up the posterior compartment of the thigh
hamstrings (biceps fem, semi tend, semi memb)
true or false: biceps femoris is most medial
false, most lateral
are semi memb and tend medial or lateral
where do the hamstrings originate
isihial tub
What are the 2 main functions of the hamstrings
hip extension and knee flexion
which is on top the semi tend or semi memb
tend is on top
which muscles make up the medial conpariment of the thigh
adductor magnus, adductor longus, addcutor brevis, gracilis and pectineus
which of the adductors is deepest
all the adductors insert on the femur except these two
gracilis and magnus
do the medial muscles go anterior to psoterior or posterior to anterior
anterior to posterior
what is the action of the adductors when the foot is lifted:
Action when foot is lifted: adduction and external rotation of femer
what is the action of the adductors when the foot is on the gorund
action when foot is planted: internal ROTATION OF HIP
be able to lcate the adductors
what are the 3 muscles that make up the pes anserine group
semi tend
what is the order of the pes anserine group
sartorius (antrior)
gracilis (meddle)
tendonosus (posterior)
locate and orginins and insertinos
what are the 3 facial compartments of the leg
what is the posterior facial compartment of the leg divided
superfical and deep
what is the difference between shin splints and compartment syndrome
During a physical exam for exercise-induced compartment syndrome, the affected area usually feels normal, without tenderness to palpation. In contrast, a physical exam for shin splints or stress fracture will often demonstrate tenderness over the bone or fascia.
what are the muscels that make up the atnteior comparmtne of the leg
tibialis anterior
extensor digi long
extensor hallusic long
what are the lateral muscles of the leg
fibularis longus
fibularis brevis
be able to identigy the muscles of thje lower leg
what are the two extensor retinatcular and where re they located
super anf inferior
(seen in the front
infeior is a V)
what are the 2 types of fibular retinaculum
interior fibular retnatculam
which fibular retinaclum blends iwth the inferior retinatculm
the inferior fibular
what are the deep posterior muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg
tibilais posterior
flexor digi longus
flexor hallicus longus
place these in order from medial tp ltaeral
tib post, flex digi, flex hall
digi longus
tib post
flexor hallucis longus
be able to locte tthe psoterior msucels of the leg
what are the conents of the flexor retinaculum
tendons of the post tib, flexor dihi longus, flexor hallucis longus
explain TOM dick and harry
Medial to lateral
(tib post)
(digi longus)
hallucis long
what are the superficial muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg
triceps surae
what msucles make up the triceps sura
is the plantaris always present
how many layers are there on the feet
4 layers
what msucles make up the first layer of the foot
abductor hallucis
abductor digi mini
flexor digi brev
what msucles make up the second later of the foot
quadratus plantae
flexor hallucis longus (tendons)
flexor digi longus (tendons)
what muscles make up the third muscles of the foot
flexor hall brev
flexor digiti mini
adductor hallucis (oblique and tranverse)
what muscles make up the fourth layer of the msucles
plantar interossei
dorsal interossei
how many plantary interosse
how many dorsal interossei