Lecture 13: Vision - Capturing the moment Flashcards
What is episodic memory?
Episodic memory involves reliving specific events, including context (time, place, emotions). It relies on the hippocampus for binding details and context.
- Example: Sailing on “Irene” and pulling ropes.
What is semantic memory?
Semantic memory involves context-independent facts.
* Example: Knowing “Irene” is a two-mast boat.
Brain Regions
What is the role of the hippocampus in episodic memory?
It binds details with context and is critical for forming associations.
* Evidence: Patient HM demonstrated impaired episodic memory after hippocampal damage.
What are the roles of the prefrontal cortex (PFC)?
- Ventrolateral PFC (VLPFC): Supports semantic processing and encoding.
- Dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC): Supports organization and elaboration during encoding.
How does attention influence memory encoding?
Focused attention boosts hippocampal activation, enhancing encoding. Divided attention markedly impairs memory.
* Study: Craik et al. (1996) showed impaired recall under divided attention conditions.
* Methodology: Behavioral experiments comparing recall under focused vs. divided attention.
How did Uncapher & Rugg (2009) study attention and memory?
Found that attention modulates hippocampal activity during encoding, with better memory for attended features.
* Methodology: fMRI study with encoding and retrieval tasks using attended vs. unattended features.
What is the picture superiority effect?
Pictures are more memorable than words due to richer memory traces combining visual and verbal codes.
- Theory: Paivio’s (1971) Dual Code Theory.
How did Paivio (1971) demonstrate the picture superiority effect?
Compared recall of images and words to show that images create dual (visual + verbal) memory codes.
- Methodology: Experimental tasks measuring recall of images vs. words.
What is the Von Restorff effect?
Unique items in a list are more memorable due to their distinctiveness.
- Study: Von Restorff (1933).
- Methodology: Behavioral studies using lists with one unique item.
How did Ensor et al. (2019) extend distinctiveness theory?
Showed that colorful and complex visualizations enhance memorability.
* Methodology: Experimental manipulation of visual elements like fonts and colors.
How does processing distinctiveness affect memory?
Judging unique features enhances hippocampal activation.
- Study: Carr, Engel, & Knowlton (2013).
- Methodology: fMRI study comparing distinctiveness vs. similarity judgments during encoding.
How do schemas influence memory encoding?
Information linked to prior knowledge (schemas) is better encoded, activating the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC).
- Study: van Kesteren et al. (2014) found that schema-related information enhanced recall.
- Methodology: fMRI study comparing schema-related and unrelated facts in university students.
What brain regions are involved in schema-related encoding?
Schema-related encoding shifts activation from the hippocampus (medial temporal lobe) to the mPFC.
What is deep processing?
Processing information semantically (for meaning) improves memory encoding.
- Theory: Craik & Lockhart (1972).
How does elaboration improve encoding?
Relating new material to prior knowledge and creating meaningful mental imagery enhances encoding.