Lecture 12 The Integument (skin) Flashcards
What are the 4 key functions of the skin? Give examples for each function
- Protecting
- injury, infection, UV radiation - Regulating
- temperature, water balance, excrete waste - Sensing
- touch, pressure, vibration, pain, heat, cold (light) - Producing
- vitamin D, nitric oxide
What are the layers of the skin
- Epidermis (kerantinocyte)
- Papillary dermis (fibroblast)
- Reticular dermis (fibroblast)
- Hypodermis
Features of skin (8)
-Langerhans cells (epidermis)
- Melanocyte
- Merkel cell
- sebaceous gland
- Arrector Pili muscle
- hair follicle
- eccrine sweat gland
- apocrine sweat gland
Features of thick skin. Where do you find thick skin?
- increase in sensory receptors
- no hair follicles, arrector pili muscles or sebaceous glands
- find it on palms & soles
Features of thin skin. Where do you find thin skin?
- decrease in stratum spinsom & stratum corneum
- no stratum lucidium
- found on most of the body
What type of epithelium makes up the epidermis
Stratified squamous epithelium
What are the layers of the epidermis called ? (5)
- Stratum corneum
- Stratum lucidum
- Stratum granulosum
- Stratum spinosum
- Stratum basale
Where are epidermal keratinocytes produced and where do they migrate?
-Produced in stratum basale (basal layer)
- migrate upward
What is the uppermost layer of epidermis made of and where are lamellar granules secreted?
- Uppermost layer of keratinocytes are dead, dry, scale like cells
- Upper layer of keratinocytes secrete lamellar granules, forming an impermeable, lipid-containing membrane that serves as a water barrier
How long does it take the epidermis to turn-over?
4 weeks
Where are new keratinocytes produced?
New keratinocytes produced at bottom of epidermis and push the old ones up
Name 4 cell types of the epidermis and the percentage of them in the epidermis ?
- Keratinocytes (90%)
- Melanocytes (8%)
- Langerhans Cell
- Merkel Cell
What do Langerhans cells do ?
Recognise and process microbial invaders
Function of melanocytes
Melanocytes transfer melanosomes to surrounding keratinocytes through their dendrites
What is the ratio between melanocyte and basal cells (keratinocyte at the basal layer) ?
Around 1:4 to 1:20
What is the dermis made up of and where is it located?
-made up of connective tissue mainly collagen (limits flexibility) and elastic fibres (provides flexibility)
- found between epidermis & hypodermis
- dermis is much thicker than epidermis