Lecture 11 (2/26) Flashcards
Anesthetic Drugs
Manufactured to do the following:
They block the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft
They form a stable complex with the receptors in the post-synaptic membrane, preventing them from combining with the neurotransmitters
Prevents the message to be sent through the chain of cells
Cytoarchitectonic Maps
Structural maps that define functions
2 regions:
Motor vs. Sensory
Association Areas
Areas of the brain that are not defined as motor or sensory
Examples: 18 and 19
Neocortex (Overview)
The portion of the cortex that we see from the outside.
Throught to be the newest portion of the brain in our evolutionary process
Largest portion of the cortex - about 90%
Found only in mammals
Neocortex (Structures)
Cells divided into 6 distinguishable layers
Cellular Layers of the Neocortex
6 Total
Molecular Layer External Granular Layer External Pyramidal Layer Internal Granular Layer Internal Pyramidal Layer Multiform Layer
Korbinian Brodmann
Divided the cortex into 47 numbered areas
Pre-central Gyrus
Region just before the primary motor cortex, the pre-motor cortex
3, 1, & 2
Primary somatosensory cortex
Wernicke’s area
Area occupied by the angular gyrus
Supramarginal Gyrus
Primary visual cortex
44 & 45
Area Triangularis, Broca’s area
Primary Auditory Cortex
20, 21, & 38
Involved in different aspects of language processing
Allocortex (Overview)
The remaining 10% of the cortex
Has early evolutionary history, oldest portion of the brain
Found in mammals, reptiles, birds, and amphibians
Allocortex (Structures)
Limbic Lobe
Limbic Lobe
Hippocampus Amygdala Parahippocampal Gyrus Cingulate Gyrus Septal area