Why can’t we just use a dose-response curve?
- Population-based PD curves for when the effect is binary (not continuous)
o i.e. did convulsions occur? did death occur? was treatment successful?
We Want to Investigate a Novel Drug to See Whether it is Safe and Effective – What effects to look for
- quantifiable: such as BGC versus hospitalisation for diabetes drug
- surrogate markers
Drug discovery
- molecule-centred design
- randomly screen large libraries of molecules prepared by medicinal chemists
- target-centred design
- identify the drug target and medicinal chemists synthesis candidate drug molecules
- “me too” drug design
- variations of existing drug molecules
Pre human testing steps
- in vitro testing: assays to test mechanism, affinity, enzymes, toxicity, lipophilicity, metabolism
- animal testing - drug toxicity
phase I drug studies
- 10-100 people
- healthy or focus health condition
- goal to determine PK and toxic drug concentrations
- clinical pharmacologists and research centers
phase II drug studies
- 100-200
- with target disease
- proof of concept: -, +, experimental group…
- done by unis
success rate from phase II to III
phase III studies
- thousands
- safety and efficacy at intended dose
- clinical specifialists for 3-5 years
success rate from phase III to market
Ways to to drug testing more cheap
- parallel study design
- cross over study design
- continueal reassesment method (CRM)
parallel study design
different groups - low, medium, high dose, placebo, a drug in market…
advantage of parallel study deisgn
simple to design and implement
disadvantages of parallel study design
- Each subject only receives one dosing regimen, therefore only get population average dose – not a dose-response curve for each individual (which can’t get if have binary outcome measure i.e. cured or not)
- Unlikely to determine the optimal dose – the dose selected has to be one of the doses trialled
cross over study design
everyone gets placebo and drug at different times
cross over study designs are only suitable for what type of response
continues - such as heart rates or urine output
continual reassessment method
administer -> assess reponse -> choose new dose… etc.