Lecture 10 Flashcards
Racial Inequality
What is nationality?
Belonging to a particular nation
What is a region?
An area especially a part of a country
What is a religion?
a particular group that worships god
is race a biological trait or a social construct?
a social construct
what is race?
a category of people who have distinct characteristics that are deemed important
what is ethnicity?
a shared cultural heritage
what is a key similarity of both race and ethnicity?
they are both socially constructed and rooted in history
what is immigration?
the movement of people into a country from another
what are push factors?
factors of a country that make someone want to leave
what are pull factors?
aspects of a country that attract people
what is racism?
believing that traits influence behaviour
what is prejudice?
a negative preconceived notion about a particular group of people
what is decline bias?
tendency to compare the present to the past and think the present is bad because change is occuring
what is scapegoating?
blaming a group of people for something they did not do
what is assimilation?
when people not apart of the dominant group adapt to the dominant groups culture
what is another phrase for assimilation?
melting pot
what is pluralism?
the mixing of other cultures whereby each culture maintains its own identity
what is overt discrimination?
clear discrimination
what is subtle discrimination?
unclear discrimination
what is systemic discrimination?
discrimination caused by the structures of society
what is adaptive discrimination?
discrimination against a group not because of holding discriminating beliefs but because other people are doing it
what is cultural racism?
the way the culture of society perpetuates subordination of individuals based on race
what is whitewashing?
deliberately concealing unpleasant facts
what is conscious discrimination?
overt negative behaviour that can be expressed as physical or verbal abuse
what is unconscious or implicit discrimination?
discrimination that occurs outside of a person’s awareness
what is a microaggression?
behaviour that subtly expresses prejudiced towards a marginalized group
what is proportionality?
when one thing is properly balance with something else
what are Starlight tours?
police would arrest Indigenous people, take them to the outskirts of the city and leave them there to freeze to death
what is social desirability bias?
the tendency in a survey to underreport socially undesirable facts
what is sampling bias?
not including a group of people in a sample survey intentionally or unintentionally
what is intergenerational trauma?
when trauma is passed down generations
what are the two main points that critical race theory states in terms of racial inequality?
- race is used to oppress and exploit people of colour
- racism is embedded in a lot of social institutions
what is mastery?
feeling that one has personal control over their life
what is relative deprivation?
feeling anger and resentment because one does not have the same economic, social, and political rights relative to others