Lecture 1: Ag Comm History Flashcards
What was the first attempt at agricultural communication?
The Philadelphia society for the promotion of agriculture along with many other similar societies were founded in 1785.
Since the publishers lacked practical communication knowledge, It was basically rich farmers talking to other rich farmers.
This caused the society to decline in popularity, eventually leading to its demise.
How did the members of the agriculture promoting societies think that agricultural fairs would help boost their popularity?
These fairs presented agriculture the public by the use of “dirt farmers”
What were the first three agricultural journals?
- American Farmer
- Plough Boy
- New England Farmer
Who was know as “the father of modern agricultural journalism” by publishing the first agricultural journal known as “American farmer”?
John Stuart Skinner
What are some of the subjects discussed in the “American journal”?
– using manures
– new crops
– Implements
– Improved livestock
What made the agriculture journal “American farmer” successful compared to the others?
The agriculture journal “American farmer” can credit it’s success to the practical communication knowledge of John Stuart skinner and the technical knowledge of orange Judd.
What factors of journalism improved throughout the last half of the 19th century?
Printing became cheaper Paper became better Distribution became more reliable Popularity of the telegraph grew Development of the inverted pyramid writing style
What is the Inverted pyramid writing style
Writing style used in journalism
- Stories ordered by importance of information
- Least important items last in case they got cut off
Morill act
Established land grant colleges like Texas A&M.
How is communication defined by laswell’s model?
Who says what to whom.
How is communication defined by farlex?
The exchange of thoughts and information.
How does the Shannon weaver model define success?
The sending and receiving of a message.
If the receiver has received a message, communication has taken place.
Interpersonal communication
Physical person to person exchange of symbols.
Can be both verbal and non verbal.
What are the three characteristics of journalism?
- The truth Is journalism’s first obligation
- loyalty to its citizens
- Practices the discipline of verification.