Lecture 1 Flashcards
what is Rationalism
We can’t trust our senses at all, what matters is the realm of «ideal forms» that we can only know using our reason.
what is Nativism/Innatism
We are born already knowing the world.
who said “Man is nothing but a bundle of sensations”
Protagoras, 450 B.C
what was plato’s view
what is the allegory of the cave
by plato
3 men chained in a cave, all that they see on the wall is shadows of objects and that is what they think is real. When one of them gets out, he realizes the what he has been PERCIEVING as reality is just shadows and not reality
how did plato explain what we perceive as reality If nothing that we perceive is real
if we cant trust our senses then what we know is what we are born with
what is the theory of Anamnesis (Plato):
1) our immortal souls are made of left-overs of a greater «cosmos-soul» that had universal knowledge.
2) We lost this knowledge when our souls were incarnated in our imperfect (material) bodies.
3) We must recover this knowledge by trying to «remember» what we «forgot».
aka we cannot learn anything from our senses
what is the opposite position to rationalism
what is empiricism
proposes that the only way we can learn about the world is through our senses
what is john locke’s theories of ideas
Knowledge is the addition or substraction of ideas
according to Locke what are idea
Ideas are mental representation
according to locke what is knowledge
Knowledge takes the form of a judgment, or proposition
explain the statement “all human are mortal” in own locke’s terms
"humans"= subject, idea #1, generalized idea "mortal"= predicate, idead#2, qualitative idea
what is tabula rasea
empiricism idea
Humans are blank pieces of papers on which experience leaves its mark
everything starts with experience, from experience comes simple ideas, and from simple ideas we combine them to complex ideas
locke says this is the prices how we get ideas (any ideas)
how does Locke explain reality
Cause-and-effect argument that the external reality is objective
explain Cause-and-effect argument that the external reality is objective:
You get to reality through causation, i.e. the external world is causing my ideas. But our immediate awareness is only of our ideas.
what is Copy theory of knowledge
our ideas are mental copies of the external world (representationalism).
explain our ideas are mental copies of the external world (representationalism).
the images we have in our mind are copies of the external world
what is truth and can we access it (according to locke)
Truth is correspondance between the idea and the thing. But we can never be absolutely sure of the truth correspondance, probabilities are the best we can have.