Lecture 1 Flashcards
When is informed consent obtained
-prior to collection of personal and confidential information
-any form of assessment
-before exercise prescription/participation
-involvement of other care providers
-collection, use and disclosure of information
-cost and billing schedule
-changes to exercise plan
What must be included in informed consent
-nature of assessment/intervention
Components of a clinical interview
Preparation phase of clinical interview
-plan for interaction
-review available materials
-estimate time required
What should the setting include for a clinical interview
-ensure privacy
-eliminate distractions
-ensure clients comfort
-think about where you will be in relation to client
-maintain an attentive body position
Initiation phase of clinical interview
-introduce yourself
-clean your hands
-shake their hand if appropriate
-inform- tell client what you are about to do and ensure informed consent
-inform the client of your method of recording the interview
Exploration phase of clinical interview
-ask the type of opening question that will set a context for the remainder of the interview
-begin with open ended questions allowing the client to tell their story spontaneously
Types of open ended questions to ask
-what motivated you to make your appointment with me today
-tell me about the discomfort in your ankle
-how was your health before the injury
Closing/termination phase of clinical interview
-summarize information provided
-let client have opportunity for the last word
-reiterate your first and last name and thank the client
What should be included in summarizing information provided
-devise a problem list with priorities
-determine short and long term goals together
-agree on a plan of action
Components of an analysis statement
-client profile/summary
-present condition/diagnosis
-any risks
-prognosis and rationale
-potential for kinesiology or referral to other services
What does client profile/summary need to include
-significant presentation
What does present condition/diagnosis need to include
-current medical diagnosis and/or present condition
What risks need to be included
-patient primary concerns/goals
What does prognosis and rationale need to include
-do they express high or low levels of self efficacy and support