| ★ | Lecture 03 - Strategy: Goals Flashcards
What does exploit and explore mean? (2)
successfully operating business
new businesses in the form of new horizons (innovation lab)
How do you call organizations that exploit and explore?
Ambidextrous organizations
(Balance zwischen Effizienz und Flexibilität, um sowohl das bestehende Geschäft zu optimieren als auch neue Wachstumschancen zu erschließen - Innovation Lab)
Name 4 kinds of needs that are delivered by products and services!
- If possible name 2 examples for each kind of need! (4)
- F unctional: Saves time, makes money
- E motional: Wellness, fun
- L ife changing: Provides hope, motivation
- S ocial impact: Self-transcendence
Explain the management difference between
- shareholders
- stakeholder (3) 💛❤️💚
primarily emphasizes maximizing shareholder value.
striving for a balance of
- social responsibility
- ethical considerations
- financial success
Name typical organizations stakeholders (4)
Outline 3 generic stakeholder management strategies (3)
Stakeholder analysis …
- Shareholders/Investors
- Employees
- Customers
- Suppliers
Generic Stakeholder Management Strategies …
- **Communication (Engagement)
- Collaboration (Partnerships)
- Conflict Resolution (Dispute)**
Name four kinds of needs that are delivered by products and services? If possible name 2 examples for each kind of need! (4) X
● Social impact: Self-transcendence
● Life changing: Provides hope, motivation
● Emotional: Wellness, fun
● Functional: Saves time, makes money