lec2: Red blood corpuscles Flashcards
RBCs Formed in the………………….
bone marrow
Lifespan of RBCs………………
120 days
the most abundant cells
in the blood…
biconcave red blood cells
Number of RBCs
………….. in females
………………. in males
4-5 million/mm3 in females
5-6 million/mm3 in males
RBCs Higher in………..and…………
male and newly born
Red blood cell cytoplasm contain………..water………… hemoglobin
60% water
34% hemoglobin
The average normal hemoglobin
concentration in blood is …………..
15 gm/dl
The normal hemoglobin
concentration in men , women
15-17 g/dL in men
13-15 g/dL in women
RBCs membrane is Concave to
and ………………..
increase surface
area available
for gas exchange
and diffusion
The integral proteins
Band 3 ………….
the negative ion
The linker protein………………
The cytoskeleton protein
Genetic mutations in ankyrin, spectrin, proteins
leads to………………..
hereditary spherocytosis
The ability of the red blood
cells (8 microns) to change their
shape to cross through the
narrow capillaries (3 microns)
Semipermeable allow
…………….. to pass
easily in or out of RBC,
and but not…………………..
negative ions
positive ions
Red blood cell membrane contains
…………. to ……………..
Na-K ATPase pump to maintain cell
The human red cells
membranes contain a
variety of blood
group antigens
differ in their terminal
Why it is important to keep Hemoglobin
(Hb) inside RBCs?
To avoid increase in:
➢ Blood viscosity, which may increase work of the
➢ Osmotic pressure, which interfere with filtration at
capillaries .
To avoid Hb loss in urine where it will react with HCL forming acid haematin that block renal tubules leading to renal failure
What is Hemoglobin
The red, oxygencarrying pigment in
human red blood cells
Hemoglobin contains ………… subunits
four subunits
Each subunit in Hemoglobin 2 parts
……………….. moiety
conjugated to a
heme , polypeptide
WHY 98% of the O2 carried in the blood is bound to Hb in the form of oxyhemoglobin????
Because O2 is poorly soluble in the plasma
Hemoglobin binds O2 to form ……………..
Hemoglobin binds CO2 to form ………………………
CO2 binds to…………….of hemoglobin
amino group
WHY Hemoglobin acts as a
buffer in the blood??
as it contains many amino acids as histidine
The fetus has ……………….
Hemoglobin F (α2 & 2)
Fetal Hb is replaced by adult hemoglobin …………….. after
2-3 months
Fetal Hb facilitates O2 transport across the
placenta due?
It has a higher oxygen affinity than HbA
RBCs is less in…….. than in………., but higher in ………….
children ,, adult ,newly born infants,
Hemoglobin forms ………. of RBCs
Hemoglobin carries ………. of the oxygen, carbon dioxide
and acts as an …………
important buffer
What is the normal red blood cells count, hematocrit value, Hb level ?
Male: 5-6 million/mm3, 45-47%, 14-16 gm%
Female: 4-5 million/mm3, 43-45%, 12-14 gm%