lec 8 Flashcards
the ovarian fossa relations
This fossa is bounded anteriorly by obliterated umblical ligament; posteriorly by ureter and internal iliac vessels; and superiorly by external iliac vessels
each surface of the ovary is in contact with ? medial lateral anterior border posterior border
coils of the intestine , on the right side we have vermiform appendix
ovarian fossa
hilum of the uterus , it is bounded to the broad ligament by mesovarium
directed towards the uterus , the uterine tube curves down the border
the suspensory ligament connects btw?
the tubal pole with lateral wall of pelvis
the ovarian ligament connects btw?
uterine pole of ovary to lateral margin of uterus
Through which ligament vessels and nerves enter and leave ovary?
blood supply (at which level) and venous drainage of ovaries
ovarian artery branch of the abdominal aorta at L2/L3 level and in some cases at the origin of renal artery
right ovarian vein –> inferior vena cava
left ovarian vein –> left renal vein
uterine tubes are situated in
upper border of the broad ligament
the uterine tube ascends along ———– and descends along ———-
anterior border
posterior border
Is the widest and longest portion of uterine tube , making about 2/3 of whole length of uterine tube
In it fertilization of ova takes place
Blood Supply of Uterine Tube
Ovarian artery (branch of descending abdominal aorta).
Uterine arteries (branch of internal iliac artery).
the uterine is (movement)?
freely moveable
the cervix extends from
internal os to external os
the cervix has two parts
supravaginal part
vaginal part
The supravaginal part lies between (anterior and posterior)
bladder and rectum