lec 3 Flashcards
when does the pronephros appear
beginning of 4th week
are the pronephros functionally
they are rudimentary and non functional
when do the pronephros disappear
by the end of 4th week
pronephros are made of ——– cells , in the ———- region , they open into the ———–
7-12 cells
cervical region
mesonephros appear in ———- week , derived from ————– from ——– regions
late in 4th week
intermediate mesoderm
upper thoracic to upper lumber (L3)
are mesonephros functional ?
yes for short time during early fetal life until permanent kidneys develop
the mesonephric ducts originally are
pronephric ducts
when does mesonephroi degenerate
1st trimester
in male , mesonephric TUBULES become –>
efferent ductules of testes
metanephros begin to develop ? and function at ?
early in 5th week
9th week
metanephric diverticulum is an outgrowth from ————– it primordium of —————–
mesonephric duct near cloaca
ureter + renal pelvis + minor and major calices + collecting tubules
metanephric mass is derived from ———— it is a primodium of ————-
nephrogenic cord
the stalk of the diverticulum form ———-
the cranial part of the diverticulum becomes ———–
renal pelvis which splits to form major calyces
major calyx subdivides repeatedly forming ——– generations first —— generation form –>
and the remaining form —>
12 or more
four , coalesce to form the minor calyces
collecting tubules
the metanephric vesicle formation is induced by ?
The end of each newly formed tubule induces clusters of mesenchymal cells in metanephric mass to form a small metanephric vesicle
the metanephric vesicle forms
proximal convoluted tubule, Henle’s loop, and distal convoluted tubule