lec 17 Flashcards
what is the primary goal of amplification? what are other goals (2)?
- primary: to make speech audible
- other: enhance listening pleasure, promote environmental awareness
wdym that audibility does not necessarily mean that the information heard can be used?
that hearing information does not equal understanding the information
what is a phonetic representation audiogram? (3)
- emphasizes areas most important for understanding of speech
- breaks speech signal into 100 dots and plots threshold
- dots below line are audible – count them to get a % value of what person can hear
T or F: hearing aids restore hearing loss
T or F: aided hearing in the typical range means hearing normally
T or F: hearing aids do not perform well in noisy environments
what are the 4 main parts of a hearing aid + what does each do?
- microphone: changes acoustic energy into electrical energy
- amplifier: increases amplitude of electrical signal
- receiver: changes electrical energy back into acoustic energy
- power source
diff bw regular/omni microphones vs directional microphones?
- regular/omni: picks up sound from all directions
- directional: sound from front is enhanced / from back is reduced
which microphone is more ideal, regular/omni or directional?
ideal would be to be able to switch between the two depending on the context
diff bw linear vs nonlinear amplifier?
- linear: fixed gain is applied to input signal
- nonlinear: gain varies with input signal
which amplifier is more ideal, linear or nonlinear?
T or F: hearing aid receivers are digital devices
false – analogue
approx how long does a hearing aid battery last?
3 days
which is more ideal, rechargeable or disposable hearing aid batteries?
depends on person’s lifestyle
what are some pros of using two hearing aids instead of one? (4)
- Sound localization.
- Binaural summation.
- Easier to understand speech in noise.
- Risk of auditory deprivation is reduced.