lec 12 - power shifts and international order Flashcards
why do great powers rise and fall?
- differential growth rates
- power resources and imperial overstretch
- domestic ideology and global recognition
why do great powers rise and fall?
- differential growth rates
A state’s domestic arrangements and stage of technological development determine its rate of economic growth.
Differences in economic growth rates accumulate over time, leading some states to lose power and others to gain
= some states have higher growth rates than others: determined by domestic structures (investment in eco dev. etc.) + technological development
(China’s growing fast)
= differential growth rates explain why some states rise and some states fall in relative terms
- e.g. standard of living in Europe has not gone down, but growth rate is lower than that of the US and China, others grow faster
they accumulate over time, that leads some states to lose power and some states to gain
why do great powers rise and fall?
- power resources and imperial overstretch
The power of states depends on their economic and military resources and how efficiently they use those resources, relative to other states.
Great powers decline when their global ambitions exceed their economic & military resources (‘imperial overstretch’),leading to costly, unwinnable wars and under-investment in economic strength
- imperial overstretch = tendeny for super powers to take on commitments that they can’t sustain with the resources they don’t have (e.g. engage in wars they can’t win)
- can lead a great power to decline
- e.g. US involved in Afghanistan -> contributes to its ultimate decline
- US has been overstretched for decades: does not invest in the sources of its power, it is investing in wars here and there -> ovestretching its capacities
why do great powers rise and fall?
- domestic ideology and global recognition
it’s more than resources – rising powers are not all the same.
- Active rising powers: states with growing economic and military strength (resources) that adopt domestic ideologies that legitimize their global ambitions and that mimic/copy the prevailing great power actions to gain global recognition of their status.
- Reticent rising powers: states with growing resources that do not pursue the domestic ideology or global recognition of a great power
reticent = reluctant/hesitant, no ideology that emphasises a global role + doesn’t try to mimic global power
e.g. now China active rising power, India reticent rising power
= she brings ideas and status into the discussion
how do power transitions affect international institutions?
- redistribution of power destabilise international rules and institutions
- redistributions of power don’t necessarily destabilize international rules and institutions (Keohane)
- int’l institutions and the strategies of rising powers
what int’l order do rising powers want, and why?
- rising powers and seek recognition and voice
- rising powers favour a hybrid int’l order
- China pursues a hybrid strategy on int’l order
- China’s selective approach to liberal int’l order
- China favours a new int’l order consistent with CCP ideology
- China is not committed to the liberal int’l institutional order
- China is contesting the UN’s liberal agenda, with mixed success
what int’l order does the US want, and why?
- US conditional approach to liberal int’l order
- crisis of liberal int’l order is due o its declining legitimacy within western states
How do power transitions affect international institutions?
- redistribution of power destabilise international instittions and rules
great powers create int’l rules and institutions to maintain or increase their share of world power
redistribution of power weaken the foundations of existing international rules and institutions … and often lead to war
new gat powers create new rules and institutions
How do power transitions affect international institutions?
- redistributions of power don’t necessarily destabilize internatinoal rules and institutions
Hegemon can decline, but institutions and rules can continue bc states want to manage interdependence (-> want to keep the rules they have developed to do so)
- keep the benefits of interdependence without incurring the costs
Hegemons (great powers) create int’l order (rules on trade, etc.) that benefits them, and use their power to maintain it.
- Wise hegemons create int’l order that also provides public goods (benefits accessible to all).
- As hegemon declines, other states fear loss of public goods, so they invest in maintaining existing rules and institutions
How do power transitions affect international institutions?
- international institutions and the strategies of rising powers
Puzzle: Rising powers sometimes challenge an int’l order that enables their growth, and at other times support an order that constrains them.
Explanation: The nature of int’l institutions shapes the choices of rising states as they pursue equal status with established powers:
- Open membership rules and fair decision-making procedures promote cooperation.
- Exclusion and unfairness promote conflict.
The future of contemporary int’l order depends on the ability of int’l institutions to address the status ambitions of rising powers such as China and India.
if an order accepts you as a great power, than you accept the order
if an order does not accept you as a great power, they challenge the order
-> they want to be accepted as equal in the club of great powers
e.g. China has benefited from int’l order (e.g. accepted in WTO -> massive growth) -> has in ways been critical and accepting of the order
!!it’s about status
what int’l order do rising powers want and why?
- rising powers seek recognition and voice
look at BRICS summit (informal IGO): read statements that came out of it > they were looking for status: wanted acceptance at the table where decisions were made
!!!rising powers want status, a seat at the table!!!!
Argument: The difficulty of adapting int’l order to rising powers depends on what these states are contesting & demanding.
Question: How are rising powers challenging int’l order?
- Normative contestation: content of int’l rules, kind of order they support
- Representational contestation: who gets to set and oversee int’l rules
Method: study language used in summits of BRICS leaders
Finding: BRICS accept basic int’l norms while contesting representation – they are more focused on great power status & multipolar decision-making than on normative change.
what int’l order do rising powers want and why?
- rising powers favor a hybrid int’l order
Rising powers’ dilemma:
- Increased dependence on world economy -> support for status quo. (keep the int’l order bc its been good for you)
- Statist forms of development (state crucial in dev., e.g. in China) -> tension with liberal principles of free market and individual rights.
Result: Rising powers favour a hybrid order: more transnational integration but based on less liberal principles.
= do we want the status quo that made us rich or do we want a model that is less liberal -> favor a hybrid int’l order (integrated world econ, but less liberal in governing principles)
what int’l order do rising powers want and why?
China pursues a hybrid strategy on int’l order
*same as last flashcards, but specifically for China
Factors shaping China’s strategy on int’l order:
- National development via global market integration.
- State-directed capitalism based on close relations between business and the Communist party-state.
Result: Hybrid strategy, combining adaptation, confrontation, and building alternative institutions, with variation across issue-areas.
- continue with integration, but in some areas less liberal
-> Chinese is challenging some aspects of liberal int’l order, accepting others.
!!today’s reading
what int’l order do rising powers want and why?
- China’s selective approach to liberal int’l order
look at what scholars and gov officials are saying
!!this does not include everything that’s in the article
Chinese scholars and govt officials are selective about the LIO, which they see as a tool of US hegemony.
-> they want to work with pieces of it, but not with everything
Aims: to promote sovereign equality under int’l law (no hierarchy based on how states treat their subjects, that is an internal matter); to become a rule-maker, not just a rule-taker; to build institutions beyond the lLO architecture (still also acting within it)
Obstacles: shortage of power resources; shortage of allies; internal problems; lack of universal values.
“Although China has no apparent intention to overturn the LIO, it does wish to see an international order that recognizes its great power status, provides a more equitable distribution of benefits, and allows resistance to some liberal norms that may jeopardize its core interests and harm its regime security. Moreover, China seeks a more balanced relationship with the United States, the dominant power in the LIO, to satisfy its aspirations for great power status.”
!!probs need to learn this article
!!power transitions is a concept????????
don’t focus on the nitty gritty