LEC 12: Chronic Pain Flashcards
What is the problem with pain?
- Perpetuation of myths
- Lack of knowledge- pre professional, professional
- Lack of interporofessionl collaboration
- Knowledge transfer challenges
- Challenge of pain assessment, particularly in children and older adults
- Instatutional barriers
- Everyone’s problem yet no ones problem
How is pain defined?
- An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in term so such damage
- Pain is whatever the experiencing person says it is, existing whenever the experiencing person says it does
Gate Control Theory of Pain
Proposed that neuro-gates in the spinal cord could be open or closed by signals descending from the brain as well as by ascending sensory information from the body
- Research continues today around the world about this theory
- Provided a shift away from the historical pathways of pain to the multi-neuronal idea of pain
Classifications of Pain
- Duration
- Acute
- Chronic - Noceceptive, neuropathic, centralized pain
- Diagnosis: headache, lower back etc.
Acute Pain
- Common with tissue damage
- Results from noxious stimuli that activate nociceptors
- Purposeful, tells use something is wrong
- Lasts through the expected recovery period (few days, weeks, or months)
- People are generally encourages to stay active and gradually get back to normal life
- Untreated acute pain can lead to persistent or chronic pain
Chronic Pain
Can be described as ongoing or recurrent pain, lasting beyond the usual course of acute illness or injury or mote than 3 to 6 months, and which adversely affects the individual’s well-being
- Pain that continues when it should not lasting for more than 6 months
A New Classification for Chronic Pain
- Chronic primary pain
- Chronic cancer pain
- Chronic posttraumatice and post-surgical pain
- Chronic neuropathic pain
- Chronic headache and orofacial pain
- Chronic visceral pain
- Chronic musculoskeletal pain
What is nociceptive pain?
- A physiological processing due to the simulation of nociceptors (nerves that transmit noxious stimuli)
- Nociceptive pain can be categorized according to its origin as somatic or visceral
Somatic Pain
Originates in the skin, muscles, bone, or connective tissue
Visceral Pain
Resultes from the stimulation of pain receptors in the organs
What is neuropathic pain?
- Results of injury to the nerve or an abnormal processing of stimuli by the nervous system
- The nerves may be abnormal because of illness or injury
What is centralized pain?
- Caused by damage to the CNS
- Includes brain, brain stem, and spinal cord
- Can be caused by stroke, MS, tumors, epilepsy, Parkinson’s, brain or spinal cord trauma
Assessment of Pain
- Take into account sensory, cognitive, affective, behavioural, spiritual, sociocultural, political components of the pain
- Take into consideration patient, family, and community barriers
Comprehensive Pain Assessment (RNAO)
- Routine Screening for Pain
- At each health care visit or admission
- After change in health status
- When undergoing a procedure - Postitive Screen
- Pain hisotry
- Characteristics of daily life
- Impact of pain on daily life
- Impact of pain on self or others, including depression/ anxiety
Who is at risk for inadequate pain assessment?
- Neonate, infants, and young children
- Older adults
- Cognitively impaired or developmentally disabled individuals
- Individuals with a history of addictive disease or current use of illicit substances
- Individuals who speak a language other than that of the health care professional
- Individuals unable to communicate effectively due to disease or treatment
O: Onset P: Provoking, palliating Q: Quality R: Region/ radiation S: Severity T: Timing, treatment U: Understanding, impact on you V: Values
Hierarchy of Pain Assessment
- Self report
- Behavioural indicators
- Obtain proxy report
- Physiological changes
- Analgesia trial
Reason for Denial of Pain
- Fear of addiction
- Concern about drug tolerance
- Concern about or bothersome adverse effects
- Fatalism re. ability to control pain
- Belief that ‘good’ patients do not complain about pain
- Belief that pain signifies disease progression
- Fear of delayed discharge
- Fear of injections
What are the harmful effects of untreated pain?
- Respiratory (lungs) compromise
- Cardiovascular (heart) compromised
- Increased stress hormones
- Increased glucose secretion
- Slowing of gastrointestinal/ genitourinary systems
- Poor nutritional state
- Muscle tension, spasm, and fatigue
- Behavioural and psychological disturbances (PTSD)
- Long term neurological effects
- Chronic pain syndromes to untreated acute pain
Unidimensional Pain Scales
- The numeric rating scale (NRS)
- The visual analog scale (VAS)
- The verbal rating scale (VRS)
- The Faces pain scale (FPS-R)
What are the chronic pain management principles?
- Use an interdisciplinary approach
- Combine of pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods
- Assess and manage opioid risk
- Be knowledgeable about treatment for individuals who have opioid tolerance and pain exacerbation
- Screen for substance use and make appropriate referral including pain and addiction specialist
ISMP Canada Safety on Use of Transdermal Fentanyl
- Not for use in acute or post-operative pain
- Not for opioid-naive patients, Use should be in adults receiving opioid therapy of at least 60mg oral morphine equivalent
- Only for use in adults requiring around the clock opioids
- Only for use in other methods not feasible
- A pharmacist should review all orders prior to use
- Patients should be assessed for the presence of patahces
- Proper disposal is required
Chronic Pain Self-Managment
- Acceptance, then move on
- Build a support team
- Pacing- daily activities
- Prioritize and plan- set goals
- Learn relaxation
- Stretching and exercise
- Nutrition and sleep
- Keep a diary
- Be patient, have a set-back plan
- Putting it in to practice: repetition