LEC 1: Asepsis Flashcards
What are the patient’s risk of infection influenced by in the hospital?
- Number of HCPs having direct contact
- Type and number of invasive procedures
- Therapy received
- Length of stay
What sites and causes influence HAIs?
- Improper sterilization of medical instruments, such as: Catheters, IV lines, and wound care
- Improper sterile tecnique
- Inadeqaute hanbd hygiene
Absence of pathogenic disease producing microorganisms
What are the two types of aseptic technique?
- Medical asepsis
- Surgical asepsis

Medical Asepsis
Reduce and prevent the spread if microorganisms
- Clean technique
When using medical asepsis, what are the procedures you need to use?
Use standard precautions:
- Hand hygiene
- Cleaning equipment between patients
Surgical Asepsis
Procedures to eliminate all microorganisms
- Sterile technique
When using surgical asepsis (sterile technique), when is an object or area considered contaminated?
An object or area is considered contaminated when touched by any object that is not sterile
When is surgical asepsis used?
- Surgery Diagnostic procedures
- Dressing changes
- Injections/ IVs Catheters
What are the 7 procedures of surgical asepsis?
- A sterile object remains only sterile when touched by another sterile object
- Only sterile objects may be placed on a sterile field
- A sterile object or field out of the range of vision or an object held below a person’s waist is contaminated
- A sterile object or field becomes contaminated by prolonged exposure to air
- When a sterile surface comes in contact with a wet contaminated surface, the sterile object or field becomes contaminated by capillary action
- Fluid flows in the direction of gravity
- The edges of the sterile field or container are considered to be contaminated
When is the border of a sterile field considered contaminated ?
The 2.5 cm border of a sterile field is consider to not be sterile.
- Need to keep items that are sterile within the 2.5 cm border
How do you set up a sterile field when using medical asepsis procedures?
- Want clean gloves and sterile instruments
- End of instruments can be outside the border
- Hands can touch the part of the instrument that is outside of the border
- Things that are touching the patient must be within the boarder and sterile
- Can use sterile instruments to get sterile equipment, such as gauze pads

How do you set up a sterile field when using surgical asepsis procedures?
- Want sterile gloves and sterile instruments
- All of the instruments must be placed within the 2.5cm border
- If you have sterile hands, can only touch sterile items

What is the Principle of Surgical Asepsis: Do not turn your back on a sterile field or leave it unattended
Principle 3
- A sterile object or field out of the range of vision or an object held below a person’s waist is contaminated
What is the Principle of Surgical Asepsis: Keep instrument tips lower than the handle while working with moist gauze
Principle 6
- Fluid flows in the direction of gravity
What is the Principle of Surgical Asepsis: Do not place sterile items at the edge of the sterile field
Principle 7
- The edges of the sterile field or container are considered to be contaminated
What is the Principle of Surgical Asepsis: Sterile objects that touch clean objects become contaminated
Principle 1
- A sterile object remains sterile only when touched by another sterile object
What is the Principle of Surgical Asepsis: Turn off fans prior to performing a sterile procedure
Princile 4
- A sterile object or field becomes contaminated by prolonged exposure to air
What is the Principle of Surgical Asepsis: Do not place an item that is punctured onto a sterile are
Principle 2
- Only a sterile object may be placed on a sterile field
What is the Principle of Surgical Asepsis: Ensure sterile filed remains dry
Principle 5
- When a sterile surface comes in contact with a wet contaminated surface, the sterile object or filed becomes contaminated by capillary action