Lec 12 Flashcards
A crime that occurs over the internet
Moore (2005) defines cybercrime as
Any criminal offence or series of offences committed through the use of a computer and a computer network or internet connection
Cyberterrorism (Baranetsky, 2009)
Using a computer to orchestrate large-scale attacks on information.
Activities that constitute cybercrime (8)
Phishing-emails that request sensitive info
Ripping-Illegal copying of CDs
Luring of minors
Skimming-Harvesting financial data
Cybercrime in Canada recent cases
65 percent identity theft
58 percent of organizations were targeted by phishing
32 percent suffer up to 20 attacks per year
63k cybercrime incidents in 2020
106 million dollars lost to scams and fraud in 2020
Implication of cybercrime
Cybercriminal cases reflect vulnerability of the digital age and potential disastrous consequences of cybercrime
How can the consensus model of crime be applied to cyber criminology
To draw the line between crime and deviance in online communities
Remember the rule
No law, no crime
Regulating cyber activities requires
A broader understanding of computer tech as being inherently criminogenic
What does regulating cyber activities do
Create deviant cybercommunities
Paradox of cybercommunities
Cybercommunities serve a social purpose but also intensify deviant and antisocial impulses
The use of unusual things to obtain sexual excitement and channel obsessions that are inherently deviant
Examples of paraphilia (4)
Scopophilia-Use of a smartphone to secretly record or photograph people
Cybercrime and routine activity theory three elements
Suitable target, motivated offender, and absence of a capable guardian
Certain correlates of victims of cybercrime
How much time they spent online and the nature of the virtual places they visit
Research on cyberbullying and cybervictimology must include
The assessment of risk
Online bullying is facilitated by digital environments that offer
Little in the way of suitable guradianship
Protecting Children from internet predator act (Bill C-30)
expand police powers to conduct online surveillance
bill withdrawn in 2013 because it clashed with privacy issues
Bill C-13 “Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act”
Came into affect 2015
May be tried as indictable or summary conviction offences
Prescribes punishment of up to five years or 5k in fines if tried as a summary conviction offence
Applies to people of all ages
Focus of Bill C-13
Unauthorized distribution of intimate photos
Law of Bill C-13 (5)
Prohibits non-consensual distribution of intimate images
Empowers a court to order removal of intimate images from the internet
Permits court to order forfeiture of device used in the offence
Provides reimbursement to victims for costs incurred from removing image from the Internet
Empowers court to make an order to prevent someone from distributing intimate images
Legislative Reactions to Cybercrimes: Outside Canada
2014-Revenge porn was criminalized in Israel; max 5 years in prison
2015- England passed similar law with two years in prison
US has 6 months to 5 years in prison for revenge porn and fines up to 30k