LEC 1: Definitions Flashcards
Legal Definition of Family
A group of two or more persons residing in the same household who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption.
Economic Definition of Family
Individuals related by blood, marriage (including common law of opposite or same sex) or adoption sharing a common private dwelling.
Functional Definition of Family
A group of individuals who are bonded by strong emotional ties, a sense of belonging, and a passion for being involved in one another’s lives.
Census Family
Refers to a married couple (with or without children of either and/or both spouses), a common-law couple (with or without children of either and/or both partners) or a lone parent of any marital status, with at least one child. A couple may be of opposite sex or same sex.
Intact Family
All children are the biological and/or adopted child of only one married souse or common-law partner and whose birth or adoption preceded the current relationship.
At least one biological or adopted child of only one married spouse or common-law partner and whose birth or adoption preceded the current relationship.
Simple Stepfamily
A couple family in which all children are biological or adopted children of one, and only one, married spouse or common-law partner whose birth or adoption preceded the current relationship.
Complex Stepfamily
A couple family which contains at least one biological or adopted child whose birth or adoption preceded the current relationship. These families contain children from:
- Each married spouse or common-law partner and not other children.
- One married spouse or common-law partner and at least one other biological or adopted child of the couple.
- Each married spouse or common-law partner and at least other biological or adopted children of the couple.
Family Health
A dynamic changing state of well-being, which includes the biological, psychological, spiritual, sociological, and cultural factors of individual members and the whole family system.
Nuclear Family
Husband and wife who are married with biological or adopted children.
Same Sex Family
A married or cohabiting couple of the same sex living together with or without children.
Dual Carrer Family
Both parties pursue active careers- a relationship of equal power and decision making, and shared economic and domestic responsibility- may not always be the case.
Nuclear-Dyad Family
A married couple without children (no children or children have left home).
Extended Family
Network of relatives of nuclear family such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Single Parent Family
A father or mother living alone with biological or adopted children.
Blended Family
Husband and wife, one or both of whom were previously married, living with children from previous marriages and/or children from the new union.
Cohabiting Family
Unmarried couple living together, with or without children.
Communal Family
An intimate network of unrelated adults and their children who make a commitment to live together.
Family Nursing Practice
Active collaboration with both individuals and the family unit to support optimal levels of health and well-being.
Family Centred Care
A philosophy embraced by most healthcare organizations globally and promoted by policy makers and nurse leaders.